Can't help myself

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"ANDREA!!!" Gray yelled. "I'm so happy you're home! We have a lot of catching up to do." Gray said.
Later, when Ashton was out with his mom, the girls ordered Chinese and watched a movie. "So spill," Gray said. "Ok, it was all good at first. I did start getting home sick but I tried to not let that get in the way of the fun. Brittany [Andrea's friend] was really fun most of the time. But Nicole [Andrea's cousin] was being a little bit of a jerk. Like I traveled 8hrs to come and see them, you think they could be more appreciative! I guess all I was good for was holding back the hair while they were puking their brains out. I never would have thought they would treat me like this. I mean Brittany is ok, but Nicole, nothing will be the same. She tried to get me to hook up with weird guys I had never met. Then when I would say no, I was scared or worse.... She asked me if I was gay. I mean don't get me wrong, 1 of my best friends from high school is gay and I love him to death. But for her to think that about me just because I don't want to sleep with someone I had just met 5mins ago. I still can't believe that she did that. Ever since she went to L.A., it changed her. I don't like it. She thinks all these things are ok. Stuff that the old her wouldn't even think about doing. But that's her. I can't stop her. I'm not going to stop her. It's not like she would listen. But I've done all I can. What happens next is up to her. I have no control over it." Andrea told. "Wow, I can't believe it. I guess Hollywood does change people." Gray responded.
The girls finish their food and fall asleep watching the movie. When Ashton got home his mom went straight to bed. The girls woke up. Andrea said good night then went to her room. "Can we talk upstairs in your room?" Ashton said kind of sad. "Of course babe, let's go." Gray replied.
"My mom said some pretty big news while we were at dinner." Ashton said. "What?" Gray asked. "My... My dad wants to meet me again." Ashton said. "That's great babe!" Gray said. "He's in the states right now and he wants to meet next week." Ashton said. "Where baby, I'll make it happen!" Gray said. "Charlotte, N.C." Ashton said. "That's a 7hr drive. Can he not come closer?" Gray asked. "Idk, all talk to him some this week. But I want you by my side when I do it, ok?" Ashton asked. "Of course! Anything for you!" She said while leaning in for a kiss.

Author's note: Comment, follow, like, whatever for more! Love you guys;)

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