Trouble in Paradise

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It was finally Friday. Gray took Mikey to the airport. Other than Ashton, her and Michael were closer than her and the other 2. She gave him a hug and he got out of the car and headed to the door of the airport. She stayed in the car because she wasn't sure if she was going to cry or not. She held it all in though. When she got home, she had 5,000 new followers on Twitter! She looked on there and saw the picture she sent to Hannah. It went viral. She got on Instagram and had 10,000 new followers! She couldn't believe it. The best part was, almost all the fans shipped them. She was so happy. That was her biggest fear. That the fans wouldn't like her. But she was wrong.
Ashton saw it and was also very happy that she wasn't getting hate.
It seemed like Hannah's plan was to get the fans to turn on Gray. But it back fired, big time. Gray told the world what Hannah had done to her. Hannah was getting so much hate from the fans. It was awesome! She deserves it. Hannah never cared about anyone but herself.
Later her, Calum, Ashton, and Dre. This was the last meal that Gray gets to eat with her best friend for the next 2 weeks. Dre's plane leaves in 2hrs.
Before they new it, it was time to go. Gray drove her there. "I'm going to miss you." Dre told her. "Im going to miss you too! Be sure to take pictures." Gray said. "I will!" Andrea said getting out of the car. "Tell the beach girls I said hey!" Gray told her.
When she got home, Calum was crashed on the couch. Ashton was in the shower.
About 10mins later Ashton got out. Then the door bell rang. Gray opened the door. She was surprised to see........

Author's note: keep reading for more! Cliffhanger!!!

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