Stay perfect

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The next morning Ashton woke up with a migraine. Gray new these would happen because of his injury. But it was truly hard to watch him go through something like this. All she could do was hold him. Anna asked for directions to the nearest drug store. After she got him some pain killers she would get them something to eat. Anna learned her way around town pretty quickly. She was gone for about an hour and a half. For the time she was gone, Gray just held him. He would sweat sometimes, so she would take off his shirt. Then he would get cool so she got big blankets and cuddled him. She never thought she would be taking care of a sick Ashton that is shirtless, in HER bed. After about 30mins of his mom being gone, he felt better. "When did I lose my shirt?" Ashton asked. Then he giggled. Ohh man. That was her weakness. That adorable, awkward, dorky giggle. Oh how she loved it. "You started sweating so I took it off of you." She replied. "So next time you start sweating I get to take off your shirt?" He Asked. "What..?" She asked with a small laugh. "Just kidding, we haven't gotten that far..." Ashton said with complete seriousness. She grabbed his hand and they started walking down stairs. She told him that his mom is being them food in about 30mins. He turned on the tv. She had just remember that Dre was coming home tomorrow. So she decided to clean Dre's room up a little bit so she will feel at home when she gets back.
"Why don't you and your mom go do something fun tomorrow night? You two haven't really had much alone time since she's got here and she will be leaving in about a week." Gray told. "What about you?" Ashton asked. "Andrea is coming home tomorrow and we could catch up while you and your mom have fun." Gray said. "Ok, sounds good." Ashton said.

Author's note: I'm trying to update every day! If you are really interested in the story, like comment and follow and I'll post more often. I do follow back:)

Every Girls Dream and Nightmare// Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now