Getting to know each other

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It was now 5am. Gray never would have thought this is how she would spend her night. Then she remembers that she will be at home in the morning and she gets a little sad.
"What's wrong?" Ashton asked very concerned. "I'll be home in the morning, sitting on my bed not believing this is real," Gray Answers. "Hey everything will work out. I promise!" Ash replied with excitement. "Hey, why don't we just sit down and you tell me about you, sound like a plan?" He asked. "Yeah but, I mean, we have to get back to our hotel or we would be paying for it for no reason," she replied. "Well I can get us and the boys a room at the same place so me and you can hang out and they can do whatever," Ash suggested. "Well I hope you know all I'm doing is talking, just cause you're famous doesn't mean you get a free pass," Gray said. "Grace... I'm not like that I promise. I'm not like other guys. When I looked out into the crowd, there were hundreds of girls I could get with for that reason. But I saw you. The first thing that came to my mind was how beautiful you were and how cool you looked," Ashton told her, making her blush. They all decided to make there way back to the hotel. They all checked into there rooms. Gray sits her bag down on 1 of the 2 beds that are in the room. She brought cloths because she figured they would stay at a hotel. Ashton went into to the bathroom and put on some basketball shorts and a Green Day shirt. At the time she didn't realize what he was wearing because she changed fast while he was in the bathroom. He sat next to her on her bed. She looked at his shirt and laughed. "What?" Ashton asked. "We match!" She said. He looks at her shirt and starts laughing too. They were both wearing Green Day, American Idiot T-shirts. "So I'm guessing you like Green Day," Ash said jokingly. "OMG Yes!!" She replied very excited. "I think I'm in love!" He mumbled. Gray giggled. "Favorite song?" She asked him. "This was supposed to be about you, not me," Ashton point out. "Shut up and answer the question!" Gray said. "Ok, umm... Brain stew or Welcome to paradise." He answered. "Yours?" "Welcome to paradise or American idiot" she answered. "Favorite band other than Green day and 5sos?" He asked her. "Nirvana and Nickelback," she answered. Their conversations went on for hours. Finally they fell asleep. When she woke up she was in her dream guys arms while he was asleep. She just watched him sleep. "He looks so peaceful and beautiful." She thought to herself. He opened his eyes and just looked at her while she was playing on her phone. "She is perfect in every way. I want her, no... I need her," Ashton thought to himself. They make eye contact and laugh.
They decided to get up and go wake the others so they can grab breakfast.

Authors Note: I'm going to try to post more. I've been busy with basketball but tonight was our last game😢 so I should have more time to write now. Next week is are finals tournament. After that I should be free for a while. If you could like, comment, share, follow, ect I would be so grateful! Thanks loves😘😘

Every Girls Dream and Nightmare// Ashton Irwinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن