Lets go

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She takes of the paper and sees a little box. She opened the box and her heart dropped. Ashton then takes the box out of her hand and gets on 1 knee. "Grace, I feel in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you. I want you with me forever. I want you to be my partner in crime. I want you to be the mother of my kids. I want to grow old with you. I want you to marry me. Will you marry me," Ashton asked. Gray was in tears. She instantly says yes and hugs him.

********1 month later********

Gray went on tour with them. She had a blast. The best part was that the fans didn't hate on her. It was hard for Calum because Charlotte was 7 months pregnant and he wanted to be there for her. Andrea was getting married while she was pregnant. The tour was only lasting a month so Andrea was having the wedding a week after that. But Gray and Ash hadn't had time to plan the wedding. They were always so busy.

***********after the tour***********

Charlotte gave birth to a healthy boy named Noah. Andrea's wedding was perfect. She was now 8 months pregnant. Gray and Ashton finally had their wedding planned. The boys decided to take a little break so that everyone could have time with their personal lives.
One day Gray just started thinking. Calum and Danny just stopped talking one day. Then Gray realized she hadn't seen the girls in a while. So she invited them all over for a bonfire.

Every Girls Dream and Nightmare// Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now