The Tricks and Chirps!

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Maya, who took Theeya along with her, reached her home! A very large planet with nothing on it. The planet had one sun and seven moons. Dust storms and heavy acidic rain covered the entire planet. The air is filled with earthly dust particles and the majority of it was mercury. Maya kept inhaling the mercury dust particles in the air that changed her blood, and that gives her the soft white glow.

Maya walked towards the barren land with almost round boulders all over it and stopped at a particular place. She was holding the blue bird in her tight clutch. She placed her feet on the foot shaped crevice on the rock and the rock opened under her feet showing her the stairs that lead to the underground. She slowly walked down the stairs while the rock closed up above them. The underground doesn't seem like an underground. It was fully lit and decorated with different kinds of gems. Maya let go of Theeya.

“Until you are here in this place, you can never change back to your original form. Don't worry, I am not going to go after Amaran! I gave him a curse in anger that broke the bond between me and him.”

“Then why can't you let us live in peace?” The blue bird asked her.

“I cannot let you live happily after everything you have done to me and my people. You destroyed me. I have a wonderful gift! I could have used them for goodness but instead I used them all wrong and destroyed many lives. I let my disappointment and anger win over my rational thinking and that is all because you broke me. I cursed my love twice! I broke the bond between us. The curse my people gave me came true. I lost my Aadhan forever. I destroyed a whole race of wonderful kind people just because they talked high of you. I had all evil things in me like immorality, ego, greed and anger. I blame you for my downfall.”

“Add one more thing to your evil character list. Blaming others for your mistakes. Not taking responsibility for your own actions! I agree I pushed you off your balance. I agree I did everything I could to get to my love. I will do anything to get to my love. He is mine and mine only. I have destroyed lives on 9 planets! I don't regret it because everytime I destroyed them, I was reunited with my love. But you destroyed your people and the people on earth! The giants and the dwarfs are the kindest people that I have ever met in all these years of my living. It was them who taught me that I can survive with other’s happiness. Don't you dare point at me for your arrogance of destroying them.” The Blue bird chirped angrily. Maya was taken aback with the words of the blue bird. The truth in her talk hurt her broken soul more.

“I am gonna set things right. I will repent my wrongs. You will be here and repent your wrongs. You will no longer destroy anything. All the lives here are struggling hard. I am going to give them everything they need to live a happy life!” Maya told the blue bird and left the place as if the blue bird’s talk didn't affect her.

The blue bird knew that there was no escape from this place. She had no power to open up a portal of her desired place. She waited for a little slip up of Maya to escape. Luckily, she was not losing any energy or life power even though she was isolated because of the collective prayers that the Lycans were offering her. Poor her, she didn't know that she could go to earth and the Ardhanari planet as she pleased. She is the mother of earth and hence the natural connection was made. Her love Iraniyan’s cursed soul was on the ardhanari planet and hence the connection was made with the ardhanari planet. Now that the Lycans are offering their prayers to her, the connection between her and earth has become even stronger.

Maya spared no attention to her afterwards. She left her inside the underground chamber and started concentrating on her duties. She created many life forms everytime a big celestial event happened. She pushed her powers out by giving things in abundance to every living thing in the galaxy. People everywhere took the goodness they were blessed with for granted. They started exploiting nature and disrespecting everything. Soon, they stopped caring for anything and became sad all the time. They didn't know what happiness felt like. In all the repenting, Maya failed to understand that one can feel happiness only when one can feel sadness. So much of Maya’s energy went into waste and Maya felt sad about it. She understood that giving everything in abundance is not a good thing to do.

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