The Curse!

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Author’s PoV

Netra’s shrills are making Maayon’s stomach fall into a pit. He looked at his people from the rooftop of his house. Everyone here is cursed! Living here is a punishment. These are the people and their families or descendants who offended Maya one way or the other. She banished them all here to live in agony and fear. This place is her dumpster. 

People here are all from different planets. But everyone has the same anatomy, a humanoid shape but they differ in their heights, color and their shape. The features were distinguishably different for every race of people. Everyone spoke the same language there,Tamil, even though their dialect is a little different! Obviously, it is the language developed from the natural sounds and calls. All the different languages on earth were evolved from Tamil and the multiverse is nothing different. 

Maya is the daughter of a King! A pretty princess who everyone feared. Maayon, Maya and every other witch and warlock lived on a very tiny and beautiful planet called Maaya Logam. It had a lime green sky with a sun and a moon. The lime green oceans had diverse forms of life. The forests gave them enough fruits and vegetables for the entire population. They had hanging waterfalls, moving gardens and forests, beautiful birds of paradise, exquisite animals and everything. It was once a very happy planet. Everyone had everything they needed to live a life blissfully. They had magic to give them everything. But their happy bubble didn't last long. 

It all started to dissipate when one day a warlock and a witch found a liquid metal from under the ground deep inside a forest. The liquid gave them immense power. It helped them shapeshift. It helped them change their size from a tiny particle to a huge mountain. It gave them knowledge about outer space. They understood that the stars twinkling in the sky are not just a jewel but another place just like theirs. This extraordinary knowledge helped them venture out of their planet. But they could not do it with physical form. 

The warlock used his knowledge and the liquid together. He made a spacecraft with the help of his wife, the witch, to venture into the wide universe. When he actually was successful, he learnt that the nearby planets are uninhabitable. He wanted to further his boundary but the liquid was running out. When other people found out what the couple was upto, they all feared them. Their fear gave them a weird feeling of superiority. That was the end of all.

He reserved the remaining little liquid that he found in a secret place and started dominating the people. He rewarded people who feared him. He punished the people who revolted against him with death. Slowly, he became the dictator and King. He formed different groups to do chores for him. He wanted to excavate the planet for more liquid. He tried to replicate the liquid with his magic but failed. The groups he formed were called covens. Each coven is assigned to a different place to excavate. Mountain, forest, waterfalls, valley, desert, seas were the six different places the six covens were assigned to.

A secret group formed to defeat him. A group of rebels. The King was unaware of the group and that was their trump card. With the help of the insiders, they located the liquid that he had as his power source. When they got ahold of that liquid, they killed the King. The secret rebels then distributed what is left of that liquid to the leaders of the six covens that were divided by the king. Unknowing the power of that liquid, the leaders mixed that in their water source and everyone drank from it. 

They all felt equal after a very long time and that brought the happiness back to their little planet. But overtime, they realized that the liquid stopped their aging. Their powers were enhanced. Their knowledge about their universe was expanding. When they all rejoiced their newly found knowledge and power, a huge reality hit them hard. They all became infertile. 

Every kid on that planet stopped aging when they hit a particular age. The old people felt to be in their best health and lost their will to die. Pregnant ladies who took the liquid lost their babies in their womb. Once again there was chaos. The coven with many children was seen as a threat as they would dominate in number. The covens with less number of children started to steal children from other covens. To stop this, the coven leaders came up with a sign for each coven. They imprinted that sign magically on their coven people. 

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