Oh, No, Adhiyan!

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Isfe was bouncing in joy hearing the victory Adhiyan got in the fight. But when Thuriga came to her with the news about the tattoo, Isfe knew it would not be long before he come to attack her. She knows that her magic will not work on him and that she is defenseless against his wrath. With Thuriga not by her side, Isfe thought that locking him up in the ‘Hollow Tree’ to leave him for dead would be a wise choice. She didn't want to take a chance. She knew very well that if he got to know the truth, he would not wait a second to fight her and she had nothing to use against him. 

When Isfe was forced on this planet, she fell near the Hollow Tree. The tree trunk and bark looked lifeless yet it was alive and well. The leaves on it looked healthy. The trunk was hollow in the middle like a dead tree and Isfe tried to slither into the space to save her from the horrible cold. But the tree didn’t let her near it. As soon as she stepped foot near it, it gave away a weird vibration that inflicted pain on Isfe. She could not tolerate the pain and tried to use her magic to relieve her pain. Her magic didn't work and she was scared to death. She walked and walked for hours together far away from the tree as she could not withstand the pain and fell on her knees on the icy floor. She then tried her spells and it worked. She made the tornado as her cloaking spell. 

She kept going back to the tree to know its properties as it scared her to death. It never let her near! But when she sent her men, it had no problem letting them near it and even inside the hollow. When she asked them what they saw inside, they refused to talk to her and that infuriated her more. She never took those men back to the tornado city. She killed them and pushed them into the hollow for them to never return. Its roots were spread across a large area and it repels any kind of magic within its territory! She understood that the tree eats up anything that comes near it and it has an aversion towards her.

Now taking him to the tree and locking him in the hollow felt like the right decision for her. She walked out of her hut and went to the hut where Thuriga and Adhiyan were staying. She could not find Adhiyan there and she walked out to go in search of him. She tried using one of her locator spells to find his whereabouts but as he was immune to any magic, she could not see him anywhere. The body she was residing in was already worn out and it was not easy to walk around in that body. Without much of a choice, she called Giza. 

“Giza, bring Adhiyan to me. Tell him that I want to see him.” she told him and waltzed her way back to her lair. 

Giza went in search of Adhiyan along with two of his fellow men, Kazim and Namib. Even after searching him around all the possible places he could go to relax, they could not find him. 

“Where could he have gone? It is like he has never come here in the first place.” Namib said after searching. 

“He was like a monster when fighting. He was drenched in blood when the fight was over. He definitely needs some time to cool off. Searching for him is a waste of time. We better go over the defense technique with our men.” Kazim told Giza. 

The men here are strong and built. But they have no prior experience in fighting. Their lives were so peaceful and calm. They had to just breathe and live. The trees and plants gave them all the food they needed. The weather was so pleasant inside the city that they needed nothing extra to soothe them. The women made many groups and taught the children all the basic things that they needed to survive, like farming, cooking, and making fire. The men taught them how to build houses and climb trees for food. Their entertainment was vast including dramas, singing, dancing, drawing, and so on. 

“I know. There is something wrong with our leader and Thuriga. Something is missing inside me. Where is the princess? Now where is that man Thuriga brought in?” Giza spoke out his heart. 

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