The Take Over!

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Author’s PoV

Isfe was mad! She could not believe that she lost her grand-daughter. She thought she could make her stay with her long enough to make things work in her way. Giza stood in front of her with his head hung low. Aira stood beside him showing explicitly that she doesn't care anymore. Though Isfe was mad at Aira, she could do nothing to her. Aira has been with her ever since she came to this planet. Aira’s ancestor saved her from the freezing blizzard. She gave her warmth to Isfe. In turn Isfe promised good care for her kind. 

Aira is a bealf! A cross between a bear and wolf. She was one of a kind that Maya created by forcefully mating a bear and a wolf! Aira’s change in DNA provided her with an ability to reproduce in asexual methods, meaning she doesn’t need a partner to multiply. But there was a sad part, the mother would die in the process of giving birth and everytime it was a girl! Maya dumped Aira on this planet as a failure and Isfe helped her survive generation after generation! Everytime, she named the newborn Bealf as ‘Aira’.

“You  betrayed me, Aira. you failed to show your loyalty to me at the times of need.” Isfe was ranting.

“For numerous generations, I have been your guardian angel and yet you chose her over me? Why? She was the one that dumped you here!” she asked her. Giza was confused by the statement! Generations? For as long as he can remember, Aira was the only one. 

“Grrr!” Aira growled, baring her teeth. 

“Leader, shall we go to the mountain from where the princess said she came from and bring her back?” Giza asked Isfe for which she looked at him with anger.

“Idiot! Letting her go there was a blunder. We need her to fight her father. But now that she has gone to him, he will shape her memory into his favor.” She yelled.

“Sorry, Leader.”

“Where did she go last before she disappeared?”

“I don't know. I was with Thuriga near the pond.” Giza said with his head hung low. 

“Idiot! Get lost.” She yelled at him and shooed him away. After Giza left her hut, she opened the door to an underground passage that was near her rock bed. She started climbing down the stairs in the dark but it was not hard for her because she had been climbing up and down these stairs for many millennia now. As she reached the last step, she found a blue glowing crystal in the middle of the room and walked towards it. 

“Everything is intact in here!” She let out a loud sigh of relief. She kept walking through the passage that was still leading to somewhere and emerged to a very beautiful place filled with fluorescent crystals of multiple colors. 

“Is everything okay in here for you all?” She asked them!

“Isfe, this is not fair. Kill us! We don't want to live anymore.” one of the four men said. No one dared to see her. It was not because of fear but because they didn't want to see her. They all hate her with their lives. It is because of her, they have lost everything in their life. She cheated them all into this curse. 

“But you have to! It is because of you all, I am struggling now. If at all you have followed my instructions, everything would have been fine now. I would be the god! But you had to use your brain to defy me.”

“You tricked us. You spoiled our lives. You spoiled the entire race of ours for your selfish gain.”

“Relax, Maran! I have given you immortality. You should thank me. You know what? People on earth are now striving to reach immortality. People everywhere in this multiverse want a never ending life. I gave it to you and you tried to off me? How is it fair?”

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