Destroy, Monster!

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Kayalvizhi, Meeval and Kalinga made a good friendship between them. Kalinga, who had lost his best friend Theeya, instantly liked Kayalvizhi. He thought of the friendship with Kayalvizhi as a replacement for Theeya though he never told that to her. Kayalvizhi loved the friendly giants and the cheerful dwarfs. During mating season, the merpeople will dance in the water to express their joy and now with limbs, Kayalvizhi and Meeval taught the giants how to dance for the songs of the Dwarfs. It was too much fun for Kalinga though he could not overcome the feeling of missing Theeya.

“The weapons you use! What are they made of?” Maayon asked the leader of the giants.

“We call it ‘irumbu’ (iron). It is very strong and very heavy.” Hiranya told him, breaking a huge rock with just a tap with his hammer.

“Where do you make it?” 

“In our bakery. We are glad to show you around.” Hiranya told him and called one of his giants. “Take him to our bakery. Show him how we separate iron from the ore.” He ordered and Maayon went along with him. The giant showed him around their temples and their art. Maayon looked at the carvings of his dad on their walls. He understood that his dad separated fuel from the black liquid and used it in his flying device. He saw their bakery where they work tirelessly in high heat to take out liquid metal. Then they keep it molten and shape it into their weapons. They discard a lot of waste after taking out iron from the ore. 

Maayon started to look at the waste materials and found many metals in it. Those were not as strong as iron but they were fragile and brittle. 

“Shall I use these discarded waste for my research?” He asked the giants working there and they gave it all to him without questions. With numerous tries and numerous combinations, he finally found steel. A light weight high durable strong metal, an alloy. He built a spacecraft inspired by his father’s spacecraft and used the purified black liquid as a fuel. With the little amirtham he had left with him, he started up the craft, making the giants and the dwarfs’ jaws drop to the floor in awe. 

“Wonderful! You sure have some tricks up your sleeve. Will you teach us?” They asked him and Maayon gladly gave them the combination to make durable steel. He also discovered bronze and gold in the way and he taught them how to make use of it. They rejoiced at their new found knowledge and praised Maayon. But since they never saw him coming from the sky, they refused to take him as their god. 

Maayon went out in search of a way to bring back Dhira while Kaalan has become the leader of the family. He noticed Kayalvizhi crying her eyes out whenever she was alone. But her cries didn't bring catastrophe like Maya’s and hence he decided that Kayalvizhi is not Maya. He didn't want an ordinary girl who looked like Maya but he wanted the real Maya to become the supreme power. 

Kaalan had no way to leave this planet but he thought if the people here pray to her and call her for help, she might come here. That way, he might get a chance to meet her again and make her fall in love with him. He took it upon himself to educate the giants all about Maya. The giants listened to all the stories about Maya in their break time while building the temple for Theeya. They understood that Maya is a powerful god who punished her people. They feared her. When Kaalan asked them to call for her, they refused to do so. They were happy with Pingalan and Theeya as their gods. 

“Why would we call her? She sounds dangerous.” Hiranya asked Kaalan.

“She is super powerful. She will grant you anything you need.” He said to him.

“But we need nothing. We have everything we need. We can build huge temples for us to stay in to save ourselves from the harsh climates. We get everything we need to eat from the forests. The wild animals sometimes come to attack the dwarfs. But we are here to save them from the attacks. What more do we need?” He asked back.

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