The EarthQuake

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Maayon, who went out in search of ways to find Dhira, kept traveling at the speed of light across the galaxy to find a way to enter his planet to see the blue star falling. That was when he stumbled upon the Savants. They welcomed him into their planet. Their planet was very advanced with metal machinery and skyscrapers. 

“I need to find a way to bring back my Dhira,” Maayon told them, taking in their appearances. Whenever he had heard of Savants, he had thought of them to be divine beings who knew the in and out of the working of nature. But in reality, they all looked very weak and ugly. Their seven-foot-tall figures were skinny and saggy. Their wrinkled skin had many white spots and blood oozing out. Almost everyone had bald heads. The rich city doesn't sit well with their appearances. 

“We know what you are thinking.” Aatral, the leader of the Savants spoke for the first time.

“No disrespect. But I have thought of you to be different.” Maayon accepted his thoughts.

“I know, Maayon. Our planet is dying.”

“Is it because of Maya?” He asked him in terror. If that was the case, he was afraid that the Savants would not want to help him.

“No! It was because of our greed. We failed to respect nature. We depleted all our resources. We used our knowledge on atoms in a path that led to destruction. We fought within ourselves over land and power. We made bioweapons to kill our enemies. We poisoned our air, we poisoned our waters, and we poisoned our land using chemicals to grow food to feed the increasing population. Nature retaliated and destroyed us. Our people were all killed in natural disasters. A planet once filled with people now only has a few hundred of us. We are all dying of our sun’s heat.”

“But the sun is the source of light and heat for the living things to survive. How could it kill you?”

“Our sun is dying too, of old age. We tore down the natural screen of our planet with our pollution and bombs. Now every harmful ray of our sun is reaching us. In all these terrible things, we gained one thing too!”

“What is it?”

“Our ability to understand nature got better. Each of us is equipped with a brain that is specialized in one field. He is good in numbers. He is good at predicting weather. She is excellent in mapping living planets just by seeing outer space in the telescope.” He said, showing him a map. 

“This is our galaxy. There are 108 planets in our galaxy that carry life.” He explained the dots in the milky way galaxy. When the dots were connected, it looked like a trident! 

“This is the galaxy near us. She calls it ‘Andromeda’. There are 112 planets that have life on them. There are 9 galaxies in space and 1008 planets that carry life in total.” He added, making Maayon awe.

“You sister, Theeya,  and Aadhan are all special beings, Maayon. Theeya is the first special being for our galaxy. Maya is the second. Both of their lives are connected with the eternity that supplies lives to all the planets. Just like Maya is struggling to control her powers and hated by her own people, Theeya experienced far greater tortures even before she could understand her powers. She is not your enemy.”

“But she is responsible for everything that my sister is going through now. Please, don't justify her to me. If at all she had not interfered into our lives, we would all be fine and happy. She poisoned my mother, she made my own people to curse my sister and banish us out of our land.”

“I agree! She did those things. But she did it all in the name of love.”

“Please!” Maayon stopped him.

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