My Mother!

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Maayon’s PoV

I know there is something wrong. She is my daughter and I cannot take her lightly. She just opted to punish her husband just because he tried to kill me? Nothing justifies her act. I mean, her husband, her mate, her man for whom she has been waiting has finally come to rescue her and she chooses me over him? That is just not right. Above all, she admitted to me that she did what she did for her mother and not for me. With her talk about me using her as my power source, I know her grandma has made an impression on her.

“Ranjan! Do something. Find Adhi! I am so worried.” Thalir came into my room. 

“I am sure your daughter has some plans. If I am right, she had planned to keep Adhiyan far away from me to save him. I have to tell her that I am not a threat to her or her life. It is time she needs to learn the truth from me. I have sent for her to join us for dinner.” I told her and my memories took me back to that day when I last saw my mother.


A very long time ago,

Dhira and I were in the palace, arguing about her stupid talk. She was asking me to marry one from my family to grow my lineage. She was giving up on our love and I was mad. Maya had Aadhan to turn her grief to while I had none. Dhira was clearly driving me nuts. She made me stay away from her, she constantly cried, and she was making my life a living hell. 

It was that time when Maya hit her puberty. Our mother was never around. She was making trips to other realms in search of a cure for our people while I had to deal with Maya’s newly found powers. Yes, with her puberty, she discovered many miraculous things she could do. 

“Anna, come, see!” she called for me one day banging on my door. 

“I love you, Dhira. No matter what you try, this will never change. Now my sister needs me. I have to go.” I pushed Dhira on the bed and went out to see Maya.

“What is it, Maya?” I asked her and she opened her closed fist revealing a sapling, only that the sapling had its own mind. It was walking on her palm with its roots as legs.

“What is this?” I was shocked to see something like that.

“Anna, I found this in the midst of a rock near the sea. I was very sad because Aadhan didn't come to see me today. I went for a walk and found this.”

“I have never seen something like this ever on our land.”

“Because I gave him life.” She exclaimed. She was 16 years old then.

“You did what?” I could not believe what she said. We could do magic using sound spells. We had abundant knowledge on herbs that we made potions to go along with our spells. There was a lot of dark magic using blood which we are banned from doing. But nothing could do this! Giving life to a plant!

“I talked to the plant, I cried on it. I wanted a company that will be with me forever. When I touched the sapling, it jumped and opened its eyes to me. I think this plant heard my wishes and came to life.”

“Oh, Maya! Show me the place where you found this plant. We will see if there are many others like this. I am sure there will be some logical explanations.” I tried to hush her down. 

People were already agitated about our family. They were raging about every new baby added to my family. They blame my mom for all the agony they were going through. It was my dad at first, then it is my mom now. I remember distinctly that my dad was a very nice man. He helped everyone as much as he could. After the acquisition of Amirtham, he spent all his time in his laboratory rather than meeting people. I still wonder how and why these people blame my dad for their split up. But now, if they get to know about this plant with Maya’s story, they would certainly believe that Maya practiced black magic and that is not good for us right now.

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