Theeya's Side

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Theeya and Kaalan landed on an island at the far end of the day side. An island that was completely destroyed by the recent agitation of the ocean. The trees were broken and fallen, water washed away the residue leaving the island clean. Theeya took the baby from Kaalan’s hands and hugged her close to her heart. The baby was still sleeping in her embrace. She sat on the beach overlooking the calm ocean. 

Kaalan ran towards the insides of the island in hopes of finding a good spot to stay. It was too cold outside as the island was too small with just a mound in the center of it. He climbed on the mound to see if there is any big crevice that will accommodate them.

After about an hour, he found a cave on the other side of the mound, halfway through the top. When he saw the other side, the trees, and shrubs were intact, not hit by the storm. He felt relieved by the sight because the side they landed on had nothing left and there was nothing for them to eat. With the surety for dinner, he went inside the cave to see some water dragons living there.

“Shoo! Go away!” He shooed the water dragons out of the cave. The water dragons screeched at his presence and ran out of the cave fearing their lives. He went out and brought some coconut tree branches to clean the surface and made a bed. After he set up the cave for their stay, he went out to see Theeya.

“Theeya!” He called her standing behind her. She turned to see him. “I am so sorry, Theeya. I tried to keep Maayon away from Adhiyan. Netra made the task easy for us. She made Maayon promise that he would not hurt Adhiyan. I thought you kept Isfe under control.”

“When I knew my soulmate was reborn, I wanted to go to him. I wanted him to break free of my cuffs. I am not evil. I was just born this way. I wanted others' pain to survive. It is not my fault. I did what I did to survive. When people feared me, it made me powerful. I was uncontrollable, I wanted to make them suffer on purpose, I killed for power. It was he who came along and looked at me for who I truly am, beneath all the facade I had to survive. He gave me love and compassion and for once, I felt I needed nothing else other than him in my life. I started living with the natural pain of people. When civilization developed, people naturally became selfish and it caused them more pain than I could inflict upon them. I thrived without doing much. I was happy with my soulmate. But the people wouldn’t leave me alone. They wanted revenge. They wanted to kill me.”

“You are way more powerful than everyone together. You are indestructible.”

“I am! I never aged a day after I hit puberty but my soulmate aged. He was a mortal. A mortal with a heart of gold. He was too good to be true. He was good to the wrong kind of people, people who wanted me dead. They tricked him and killed him. I was devastated. I could not explain the pain I went through losing the only man who loved me. I was angry! I took it out on them. I gave them more agony. I grew their anger, selfishness, pain, and numerous bad thoughts! They killed each other. It was chaos. Wars and competitions! Growth by disrespecting nature! It took centuries but Whoa, the result was so soothing to my hurt heart and my body was pulsing with power. I could not control the powers inside me anymore it rippled across the planet making the planet burst from the inside out. I was thrown to another planet.'' She kept talking without blinking her eyes. She looked straight at the ocean all the time. Her hands caressed the baby who was sleeping on her chest. The sorrow in her eyes was way too much to even describe in words. 

“Theeya, we have to act fast. We have to move out before Netra can find us.”

“She has lost her soul mate just like I did, Kaala. She could not function, just like me!” She said and continued her story. 

“I found my soulmate again on the planet that I was thrown into. He was a boy there! I had to wait for him to grow up. I used my tricks to be friends with him. I changed his eyes to see me as a little girl. He fell in love with me again! It was a golden time. We grew together in love but the people were too compassionate. I had to twist them to survive. Again they turned on me! He got in the crossfire, Kaala. He was killed again. The pain of watching him die every time in front of my eyes and the fact that I could not save him put me in the deepest hell. My anger took out the worst in me and the planet exploded landing me on another.”

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