End Of Searching!

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Netra’s PoV

There is something Giza and my grandma is not telling me. What is it? Why is that forest forbidden? My intuition tells me not to trust Giza but he is nothing but good to me. He is interested in Thuriga and she is into him too. What is the problem with me? Why is it hard for me to trust anyone? I truly miss Dyan now. If he was with me, I would just be fine. My grandma Isfe is taking good care of me. She is loving and caring. I truly am amazed by her. She is still living to right the wrong. She off-ed her husband and now is ready to do the same thing to her children for the greater good. What does this make her? A good person or a bad mother and wife? She has no issues turning on her own family, how would I trust her? What if she turns on me too if nothing goes in her favor? 

“Aah!” I caressed my big tummy. My kids are so playful and everytime they kick me, I feel like Dyan is with me. “What do you guys want now?” I asked them standing up from the bed. They are super active at times when I think too much. 

“Princess, do you want something?” Thuriga woke up from her bed and looked at me.

“No, Thuri. Sorry, you go back to sleep.”

“Please, Princess, don't say sorry. You are a god!”

“Come on, for the majority of my life, I thought I was a normal human being. In the last year and a half, my life has changed tremendously that I don't know who I am anymore. Treat me as your friend.” I told her and this suddenly reminded me of Gurmeet. She is Paari’s mate! I wonder if they had married. She must be pregnant also if they married as soon as my disappearance. How she managed her mom is a billion dollar question!

“Are you alright, Princess?” Thuriga asked me as I was zoned out in the past.

“Um… yeah. I am just going for a walk. The babies are too active for me to sleep.”

“I will come with you.” She got up.

“No, Thuri. You sleep. I need some lone time.”

“Ok, but don't wander off. Come back soon.”

“Haha, I am a god, remember?” I asked her for which she smiled sheepishly. She is just a little kid. 

I walked out enjoying the cold breeze. Since our house is on the outer circle, no one would be disturbed by my roaming. I made sure I dont cross Giza’s home. He is a super sensitive man. I wanted to look at the pond and its tranquility. The light-up fishes and their see-through body is just a therapy to calm my nerves. As I was about to step into the forest, Aira stood before me blocking the way. 

“Grrr!” She growled at me. It was not an angry growl but a warning. 

“Shhh! Calm down, girl. It's me! Netra.” I tried to calm her down. Her growl will definitely wake up Giza.

“Grrr!” She growled again at me and this time she tried to scare me away.

“Aira!” I called her sternly and she stepped back. I tried to link to her and she was one stubborn girl. “I am not a threat to you, Aira. I am your friend. Have you ever been into the forbidden forest?” I asked her for which she whined and shook her head in a no.

“There might be many of you. You can meet your family. I am going to go there. But Giza and my grandma are against it. Do you want to meet other animals?” I asked her. She stood still without moving an inch. I think I should try harder next time. 

“Please, Aira. at least let me go to the pond.” I asked her and she moved this time. So it is real that the forest is forbidden. How? By who? What would happen if we went there? That Armadillo-like animal had no problem going in!

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