Babies Gone?!

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The palace looked gloomy and all the people were immersed in deep sorrow. Netra’s wails were unbearable for them. The seas made a huge catastrophe on the land. The ground kept shaking, making the people fear for their lives. Maayon gathered all his people and asked them to stay in his palace to keep them safe. He was scared of his daughter. He knows what his daughter is capable of because he had seen firsthand what Maya could do in her extreme emotional distress. 

“Netra, relax! You have to keep your emotions in check. I have told you what your emotions could do. Just remember what made people fear Maya. Don't make the same mistake that she made. You cannot let your emotions overpower you. You are a god. Trust in yourself. You can fix anything and everything. We will get back your daughter.” Maayon kept talking to his daughter. 

“This is all my fault. I failed to protect my daughter, now I failed to protect my granddaughter too!” Senthalir was crying sitting in the corner of the bed near Netra. 

“Thalir, stop it. Nothing is your fault. It is my fault. I failed to identify Thuriga as Theeya. I should have known better. I should have increased the protection.” Maayon blamed himself. It was like a blame game but here everyone blames themselves.

“Netra, please, don't cry. You have just given birth. You need rest. Your body needs rest!” Senthalir told her daughter. 

“My baby! I want my baby back. It is not any of your fault. It is all mine. I was the one that handed my baby to her! God! I am scared!” Netra clutched her heart and the mountain was covered in dark clouds. Lightning and thunder sacred people. Strong gusts of wind made the  trees and plants shed their leaves. The wind carried the fallen leaves into the compound wall. The place looked like trash and was abandoned for a long time in just a matter of minutes. The dark clouds started pouring rain and the glass dust started hurting every animal and bird on the planet. The  screeches and whines of them echoed on the mountain.

“You are hurting your animals and birds, Netra. They are yours. You are to protect them. Not destroy them. Please, control yourself.” Maayon tried to soothe Netra while she plugged her ears with her fingers, unable to hear the pain of her animal friends. 

“What should I do to stop this?” She asked him.

“Calm down. Trust that you can set everything straight. Your baby can never be harmed. She is a child of a god!” He told her and gave her a glass of water handed to him by Nalan. 

As soon as she drank that water, she felt her nerves calm down. She felt a little drowsy. Nalan had mixed a herb that would induce a controlled coma. Just as she closed her eyes, the clouds stopped pouring and dispersed into the sky. The wind stopped and the agitated seas rested. The place felt like it stopped working!

“I don't want to sleep! I want to find my baby. Nalan! Give me something that will give me quick recovery. I don't want to sleep.” Netra blabbered in her sleep. Nalan was astonished by this.

“I have never seen anyone resist this herb, she is fighting it.” He exclaimed.

“She is a god! What do you expect? Is there anything that will pull her up on her feet in sound mind? What about Ashwagandha? Give her some willow bark.” Maayon hurried him.

“I will bring them.” Nalan tried to get up but Netra held his hand. 

“Stay!”, She said.

“Appa, bring the Rudraksham that has Sivagami paati’s power.” She spoke, separating her eyelids that felt like elephants sitting on it.

“Dear, you need your senses back to do anything. Wait. Let him give you the herbs that will reinstate you back.” He tried to talk some sense into her stubborn brain. 

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