The Twist!

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Author’s PoV

Maayon took Dyan, Netra, Thalir and Kaalan out of the compound wall for a stroll in the forest. He gave them all a hover bike. It clearly works on air pressure and hence the air is less dense down the ground, it needs very less energy to fly above the ground. He took them to the open ocean! An ocean filled with all deadly creatures like mosasaurus, megalodon, plesiosaur, ichthyosaur etc., A deadly place to venture into!

“Is there a Loch Ness monster in here?” Netra asked her dad. The very sight was very amusing to her. This is the first time she has come out.

“Yes! All the big creatures here have suicidal birthing! That means, the mother would die after giving birth to its young one. It is called ‘mother nature’ because Maya is a woman! She created female animals first and then male. When a species tried to dominate the place, she considered it a failure. She would then dump such creatures here on this planet. There is one Loch Ness monster in the water. It would be a female. When it gives birth to its baby, it will die.” Maayon answered her.

“Oh!” Netra felt bad for the creatures living here. “But why?”

“Because Maya wanted a museum for her creations!”

“Enough! What should Netra do to free herself from you? Why did you create havoc in my place? I need answers!” Dyan interrupted their talk with so much anger. 

“I wanted to stop the emergence of black wolf!”


“It was a curse! The appearance of black wolf will bring chaos just like it is now. That was why I put a hex on Ellavan. I thought his offspring would be the black wolf. I thought stopping him from mating would stop your birth.”

“Why did you kill my mom?”

“I didn't kill her. She tried to stop me from taking Netra and Thalir with me.”

“What do you mean you didn't kill her?”

“I have just snatched her soul with me,” Maayon said that made Netra listen to him keenly. 

“It is called killing!”

“Nope, she is safe with me!”

“Where is she?”

“With me in a soul snatcher!”

“Then you can bring her back? How? We already burnt her body!”

“We can make a new body! Maya can make a new body just like your mom.”

“You stabbed her with a knife, I have seen it in my vision,” Dyan said. He was not convinced by Maayon’s reasoning. He thought that he was telling stories to deceive and manipulate him.

“Yes! That is the soul snatcher.”

“So you have the soul snatcher with you?” Netra asked him. She acted like she was quite amused and amazed by the revelation. 

“Yes, Netra.”

“But how does that work?”

“The soul snatcher takes in the soul of the person who was stabbed by it. Every soul in this multiverse is like a recyclable waste. It gets a new nest to live on but when it is contained in a soul snatcher, it will stay the same with its memories until it is given a new life. Every baby ever born has had their previous birth’s memory until they learn to talk. It just fades away when they try to talk it out. There are some exceptions where the babies stick on to the memory for a long time.”

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