Friends Or Rivals?

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Maayon and his men were fleeing on their hover vehicles out of the compound and towards the temple. He felt tremors indicating that the temple is opening the portal for someone to enter this place from space. He was not expecting anyone especially when his daughter is going through a heart-break. 

“Anyone coming will surely have help from the siddhars. They might have ‘kuligai’ to make them the size of an atom. We must not lose them like we lost Adhiyan. Lift the electric fence around the temple.” He ordered his men on the way. 

Just as they reached the temple, the pillars were spinning in great speed making a strong electromagnetic field that temporarily blinded everyone. Maayon made his men stand out of the field and walked into the temple. He stood right out of the spinning pillars and waited for the person who was trying to come in. Just as the pillar's speed reduced, Ellavan fell to the ground with a thud. The little time he had for training with the Siddar was not enough for him to land on his feet. Following him Paari’s body came down. 

Maayon ran to his long-lost friend Ellavan. He helped him stand up on his feet but as soon as Ellavan regained his posture, he pushed Maayon away. He helped Paari. Looking at them, Maayon’s men dropped the electric fence and ran towards Maayon to back him up.

“Ella!” Maayon called and tried to reach out to him but stopped realizing that Ellavan knew what he had done in his life.

“Where is Netra? Where are Adhiyan's babies? Give them to me and we are out of here.” Ellavan spat the words right out at Maayon without giving him any eye contact.

“Ella, I know you think of me as your grave enemy. It might be true. I am sorry for what I made you endure. But this is not the time. Netra is with me. There is a lot you need to know. But before all of it, I must know why you are here. With whose help have you come here?” Maayon asked politely, knowing too well about his friend. 

“You are a betrayer. You slayed my trust. You exploited my goodness for weakness. I can never forgive you or forget what you have done to me. Your sorry doesn’t mean a thing to me. So cut the crap. Where are Netra and the babies?”

“Answer me first. I will take you to her right away.”

“Why would I believe you now?”

“Because you have no other choice. This is my place and you know what I am capable of.” Maayon looked at Ellavan straight into his eyes. Ellavan could not digest his boldness. 

“How could you look me in the eye without any guilt?” Ellavan pounced on Maayon and gave him a tight punch on his jaw. Maayon never expected this sudden attack and fell backward on the floor. When his men tried to stop Ellavan, Paari turned into his wolf and threatened them to back off. 

“If this would make you feel any better!” Maayon said with a smile and stood up on his feet. 

“Fight me! Show me what you got.” Ellavan growled and kicked Maayon on his stomach. Maayon balanced himself on his feet and blocked the next punch Ellavan threw his way. The anger on Ellavan was very well alive in Maayon. If only he had managed to stop the birth of Adhiyan, Netra would be well now. It was because of Ellavan’s black wolf that he got distracted. While Paari kept his men at bay, Ellavan and Maayon fought with each other making them bleed all over their body. When Ellavan felt it hard to breathe because of the varied air pressure, he fell down with the punch Maayon packed on his shoulder. 

“Grrr!” Paari ran towards Maayon to attack him but he flicked his finger making his blood land on Paari's wolf making him go limp with his blood magic. Maayon ordered his men to bring Ellavan and Paari to his palace. He went back to his palace to prepare his wife to meet her brother. 

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