The Tattoo!

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Adhiyan followed Thuriga taking in all the surroundings. There was something poking his conscience but he followed her nevertheless. As she ran to the hut in the center, Dyan was stopped by Giza. 

“Who are you? How did you get in here?” He asked Adhiyan in his metallic voice. Adhiyan was completely shocked to look at Giza. He was almost 7 feet tall and he was as dark as night yet his skin glowed as if he took an oil massage. Adhiyan was a well built man and 6ft tall yet he looked tiny in front of Giza. 

“I am Adhiyan. I came here with Thuriga.” Dyan told him and as soon as Giza heard the word Thuriga, he left Dyan and ran towards the hut. Confused by his reaction, Dyan tried to stop him. 

“Thuriga!” Giza called her from behind and she turned with a smile to face him. Dyan saw an old lady, if he had to guess her age, he would say at least 200 years. Her wrinkles are not wrinkles anymore. They looked like folds of skin.

“How are you, Giza?” She asked him, kindness dripping in her voice.

“I am… good! How are you?” Giza asked her. Dyan was confused to see them talk like they have met before.

“I am ecstatic. Look whom I found! I found my Adhi.” Thuriga said as a matter of fact. 

“Adhi, this is Isfe. Maya’s mother!” Thuriga introduced her to Adhiyan.

“You mean your mother!?” He asked her back.

“Not for this body though.” She pointed to herself. “I knew you would come here, Adhi. So I pulled out a part of my soul and was born here. I was waiting for you.”

“So you mean you are just a part of Maya. Where is the real Maya then?” He asked her.

“I don't know, Adhi. I remember everything because I was a part of a soul. But I have no super powers in this body. I don't know where the other part of me is!”

“But you just teleported us here. You made me invisible. You say these are all not super powers?”

“A small spell would do the trick, Adhi. I am also a witch, remember?” She smiled at him and he could not stop his heart falling for her perfect smile. 

“I wish you both to be together at least from now on. You must be careful with Maayon, Adhiyan. He wants to be the only god and the only way was to weaken Maya. Theeya left him a long ago and now he has Netra by his side. I tried to keep Netra here until she gives birth to your babies, but I could not hold her.” Isfe spoke for the first time and sadness was evident in her face. Adhiyan was surprised to hear her voice crystal clear in spite of her age.

“Leader, sun people are getting under the tornado. We are ambushed.” three men came running inside. 

“It’s time for our fight, Adhi. We cannot let Maayon win this time. He has killed your father, your mother! Many of your people were killed by him. This is time for revenge.” Thuriga told Adhiyan and walked out of the hut. 

Giza ran out and the three men followed him. Adhiyan nodded to Isfe and took her leave to join the fight crew. Isfe came out of the hut along with him and looked up at the sky muttering something under her breath and thick clouds covered the moonlight, making the place dark. Men were emerging out of the huts, all tall and built like Giza. They were applying jelly-like stuff from the leaves on their body. As soon as they applied it on, their glow diminished. They became one with the darkness. Adhiyan walked with Giza to lead the men.

“To the outskirts of the forest,” Giza shouted and everyone cheered. They started running towards the forest. Men from Maayon’s militia were crawling out of the hole they dug through the tornado and the dark people took on them. 

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