2. The Mother!

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Author’s PoV

The heat from the red sun and the soft glow from the two moons were making a funny climate. The orange sky was clear of clouds and that is a good sign. In recent times, the silicon dust from outer the atmosphere always makes the rain dangerous. It rains glass along with water. So the absence of rain clouds is a good thing here now-a-days. 

Unlike earth, this planet spins in a vertical orbit making one side of the planet always morning and the other side always night. There is a thin strip of land between the day and night where people thrive. The place had mountains and dense forests. The night side has a very harsh climate. It is always hurricanes and blizzards. The snow is not as enjoyable as on earth. It has glass mixed to it which makes the night side very dangerous. One wrong move, you will lose a limb. You cannot venture into the night without proper gears. Even though it is impossible to live on the night side, there are some lives that manage to live there. 

The morning side is dangerous too. This planet has three moons that are revolving around it. Even though the planet spins in a vertical orbit, the moons revolve in the horizontal orbit around it, making two moons visible at the same time while one moon on the other side. It is with the help of the arrival of the moons, people here calculate their day. The moons are of different sizes but they have their own light unlike the moon for earth. The moons help regulate the temperature on the planet by subduing the heat of the sun. Even then, it is very dangerous to be left on the morning side for a long time. The atmosphere is very thin here that it deliberately allows the harmful uv rays in. But as the density of the atmosphere is less, it doesn't hold back the heat of the sun making it possible for the living things to thrive there. Not only that, very dangerous animals live on the morning side as this side has an abundance of forests and water bodies. 

It is a very beautiful and small city on the mountains where the temperature is always right and it is always evening. The gentle breeze is very soothing. The population must be some hundreds. The city is surrounded by huge walls built in rocks and the houses are constructed using rocks and wood. The pathways are carved out of the mountains which lead to the huge house that was on the top of the mountain. People are very busy in the city as today is a very special day. There was a queue of people with ailments and health issues outside the mountaintop home. 

“One at a time!”

“In proper line!”

“Only one can accompany!”

The guards were keeping them in check. Every three days, a healing camp is set up in the mountaintop house for the people of the city. Everyone outside the house was closing their ears hearing the shrilling voice of the maiden coming from inside the house. A smile of content spread on their lips because that scream is the sign that their ailments are going to be cured. 

“One by one!”

“Only 15 people! Rest all come back after three days.” The guards were trying to shoo away the people who were standing in line.

“Sir, please. Just let me. I am the sixteenth person in line. I could not tolerate the pain anymore. I don't think I will be alive after three days if I miss this chance.” The lady was pleasing the guard. 

“You know I have no authority. Just go and come back after three days.” He sent her away.

Inside the mountaintop house,

“Go away!” Senthalir threw the plate to the door while screaming.

“Amma, please. You haven't eaten since yesterday. Please, eat.” The maid tried to calm her down with her soothing words.

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