The Lessons

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Adhiyan’s PoV

It is already new moon day and I walked towards the Madhi Mayakki Vanam. I didn't want to include Santhosh in because I don't want to fight him. If anything, I truly want to help him and his people to their destination. But not at the cost of my Netra. I want to know what exactly is happening and then help him without any trouble to Netra. I told Ellavan Periyappa that I won't be attending the council meeting today and he agreed. The council meeting is now just to recognise the newly born wolves since we have no problem with rogue threats!

“Come in, Adhiyan!” The same Siddhar called me into my vision. He was calling me into the Madhi Mayakki Vanam.

“But I cannot step on it.”

“I am with you. Come on!” He reached his hand out to me and I held his hand. He started walking on the air and I followed him. I looked down and was astonished to see my feet float in the air. 

“How is this possible?” I asked him in pure disbelief.

“We are not walking in the air, Adhiyan. We are walking on a thin layer of protection on the floor.”

“But ….”

“It is not always there! And it is not everywhere. I know where the protection layers are exactly and where it leads to and when it will be intact for me to walk on. It is like a path.”

“But I don't feel anything under my feet.”

“That is because you are like a feather now. You are not heavy to feel anything.” He said, still keeping his eyes inside the dark forest.

“You are a Siddhar, you have such powers to turn yourself light like a feather. How am I doing it?”

“You cannot learn everything in one night, Adhiyan. But I can tell you this, you are not doing it now. I am doing it for you. But you can do it too if you put your mind and heart to it. Everyone can do it.”

We reached a place that is covered with tall trees. The trees were making an enclosure and I could see light coming out of the trees’ canopy. I felt goosebumps erupt all over my body seeing the divine place in front of me. He walked inside the enclosure and I could see the trees making a circular enclosure. I looked up above only to see millions of fireflies lighting up the canopy. It was a huge place. I could not see the sky but only the branches and leaves of trees in the light of the fireflies. 

“Come on, Adhiyan.” He left my hand and I fell on the ground. All of a sudden I felt heavy. He started climbing on the branches to reach the canopy and I followed him. Thank god, he left my hand where the ground is clear of the MadhiMayakki herbs. The absence of sunlight has made the land barren of any plants or herbs.

“What are we going to do? When is the portal going to open? How long is it going to take for me to reach Netra?” I kept asking him questions while climbing up the branches on his footsteps but he said nothing. 

“Ufff” I was huffing and puffing as we reached a flat surface. I was stupefied to see an arrangement like this in the midst of branches and leaves. It was like a hut and lit up with fireflies. It has nothing inside.

“I want water!” I asked him as I searched inside the hut.

“Everything you need, you have it in you.” He said and asked me to stand up. Though puzzled, I stood up. 

“Now jump!” He said and my eyes popped out. We were almost 20 feet up from the ground and he wanted me to jump?

“No!” I said.

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