The Legend Of The Black Wolf!

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Author’s PoV

Lycans have two stories, one that they talk about often and the other is the forgotten one. The Legend of the black wolf is the tale forgotten. Thousands of years ago, when the Moon Goddess created the Lycans on a full moon day, the first human who turned into a wolf was said to be a huge Black Wolf. It is also said by Siddhars that the Moon Goddess’s first creation was that Black wolf. So naturally she felt extremely connected to him and poured her love and blessing on him. 

As she helped the people to thrive along with the wolves, the Black Wolf requested the Moon Goddess to stay with them for a while. The Moon Goddess agreed to stay with them until the next full moon, which is exactly a month. Soon, the goddess and the black wolf grew closer to each other and enjoyed being together. The earth was making her weak as the days got closer to the New Moon Day. Her glow was receding everyday making her vulnerable yet she refused to leave the Black Wolf to go back to her place. The Black wolf refused to leave her side as well and spent his time making her better and comfortable. 

The Black Wolf’s mate, when saw the closeness between the Moon Goddess and her mate, felt jealous and betrayed. It was her sorrow that brought the Moon Goddess to earth and now that her mate is alive and well, she is afraid of the Moon Goddess that she would take her mate away from her. She confronted the Black Wolf about this. She stopped him while he was going to the cave where the Moon Goddess was residing.

“Wait, why are you doing this? Send her away. You have been with her all day and night and I don't like it one bit.”

“It is not very nice of you to talk like this when she is the one that gave us this new life.”

“I know, she saved you alright! But I love you. Believe it or not, a woman would know if something is not right with her partner. What do you call this relationship you have with her?”

“You are very silly. You know I love you. She is someone we must all worship. It is very wrong of you to think of it otherwise.” He condemned her thinking.

“But her behavior with you is very out of place. She … she likes you like I do.”

“Oh, shut up! You talk like you have no trust in me. But I promised my loyalty to you before and I stand by it. But I am not sure if I would love you like I did before now, because you are badmouthing our savior on a cheap accusation.”

He promised his loyalty to her and expressed his disappointment about her thinking and left to see the Moon Goddess. Though she believed her mate she couldn't place her trust on the Moon Goddess. So she teamed up with the aid that presented itself to her at the time to send the Moon Goddess away on the New Moon day when she was at her weakest.

The mate mixed a herb in the food that the Black Wolf prepared for the Moon Goddess. Without knowing about it, the Black Wolf served the food to her. After eating it, she felt nauseous and her skin started to sizzle leaving corrosive burns and fumes. She knew she had to go back to her place to survive this and thought that the Black Wolf was in on the betrayal. She thought that he did it for his mate which fueled her anger. She refused to believe the Black Wolf when he said otherwise and cursed the black wolf that he would never have a love mate ever and if at all there comes a mate, the whole lycan packs would get destroyed. The black wolf wailed in pain when his heart was broken. This is when everyone else understood the pain of the broken mate bond. With just a look, the Moon Goddess made the balck wolf’s mate into a pet and took her to the heights of the cave where she disappeared along with her. 

Though was hurt and toiled with the loss of his love, he agreed to partner with a girl of his parents' choice to share his life with. He then proceeded his life to become a great leader to his people but he never stopped trying to get in touch with the Moon Goddess to bring his love back. He visited the Siddhars to know more about her and said he almost found the way to break the curse though he couldn't finish it in his lifetime. He was never happy and he died in his old age.

It is said that there has never been a complete black wolf ever since. In every century, the descendants of the black wolf bloodline have always come near to producing a complete black wolf but whenever a wolf with majority black appears, a huge destruction follows or the particular wolf dies. People on the Hills believe that the curse on the Black Wolf is still alive.  They also believe that a balck wolf can only appear when the Moon Goddess herself comes to break the curse.   

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