The Legend Of The Black Wolf

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“What is happening!?” Maayon asked Kaalan in panic. They heard the fluttering wings of the birds and the panicked bellows of animals around them. 

“Earthquake!” Kaalan said equally in fear. Everytime the natural elements show their terror side, it always reminds him of Maya.

“I don't think it is natural! If it is natural, the animals and birds would have known about it far earlier. They would not panic and run around like this.” Maayon said.

“What do you think?”

“I don’t know.” He said while trying to locate Aadhan. He thought that eradicating Aadhan would give Maya and Kaalan a chance to be together. If his sister falls in love with Kaalan, Theeya would not disturb his sister. He saw Aadhan and Theeya together and that made his blood boil. 

“They are together after destroying everything I had? She cannot be happy. If her happiness is Aadhan, then I would do anything to take that happiness away from her.” Maayon growled.

“They are here. We have to go.” He told Kaalan and together they climbed down from the hill they were on and traveled towards the mountain where Amaran and Amaya were living. 

“What are we going to do?” Kaalan asked as they neared the mountain after days of travel.

“We are going to kill Aadhan.” He said while thinking of what Aatral told him about the lives of Theeya and Maya. Theeya's life is connected with the galaxy and hence he could never kill her but he could give her pain and sorrow like she did to them.

“I have to tell you something, Maayon,” Kaalan said and Maayon turned to look at him. “I hid a fact from you. When Kayalvizhi was in her deathbed, Maya came to earth to collect her soul. She told me that she was grateful to the giants and the dwarfs who kept her life happy and she disappeared. But when Theeya came to know that they were fond of Kayalvizhi, she got angry and destroyed the whole earth. Everything you see now on earth was created by Maya. She got depressed when she knew that Theeya destroyed the people who loved her.”

“What did she say? Did she say where she is?” Maayon hurried Kaalan.

“No! She broke and cried in my arms, Maayon. She cried for Aadhan. She cried for the people that loved her. It nearly broke my heart to see her cry for her love for another man. She told me that she would find Theeya and would kill her to make Aadhan hers forever.”

“If you can feel the pull, why could she not? Killing Theeya is dangerous. It might collapse our whole galaxy. We should stop Maya from getting near her and also kill Aadhan to turn her attention towards you.”

“I cannot see her with anyone else, Maayon. I hope you can understand what I am feeling. I will do anything you ask for to get my Maya.”

“I will make sure I will do everything I can to make her feel the pull towards you,” Maayon promised and they started climbing on the mountain. When they reached the top where Amaran’s tribe was living at, they saw the place completely calm. There were people roaming here and there with earthly bowls and trays filled with fruits and meat. A huge camp fire was set in the middle where little children were all playing around with giggles and chatter. 

“Maayon!” Kaalan stopped him. Maayon looked at  him in his tracks.

“There she is!” He showed Maya to him. 

“Maya!” Maayon tried to run to his sister. It has been ages since he had met her. The guilt of failing to protect her was rupturing him ever since he had lost her. He wanted to embrace his sister and tell her that he would be with her no matter what. 

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