His Intentions

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The siddhar took Amaran and gave him intense training to prepare him for the other dimension travel. Though Amaran did not know what he was doing, he blindly followed the instructions of the siddhar in only hopes of finding a solution to the curse, to save his people and his family. 

“You are ready, Amaran! On the next lunar eclipse, I will take you to the Savants. They know many things. They will help you.” The siddhar told him and sat on the floor with his legs crossed. He closed his eyes and started chanting ‘om’. Soon he levitated from the ground and floated in the mid air so that way he wouldn't disturb the land dwelling creatures while he was in penance. Amaran looked at him in awe and went to another place to practice the skills the Siddar had taught him.

Amaran was quite astonished by the fact that the Siddhar ate nothing at all these days. He even went for water only a handful of times. Learning and practicing the skills, Amaran didn't notice that he had eaten only some fruits and had water himself in the six months that he had been training. 

“How are you living without food and water?” He asked the Siddar when he was awake.

“Air has everything we need. Our body has enough water. Shrinking your tummy is the first thing you do if you want to connect yourself to the universe and eternity.”

“I don't understand.”

“Have you noticed that you only had a handful of fruits and water for the six months you have been with me?”

“It's been six months already?” he could not believe that he survived that long without meat. 

“Haha yes! Time is invalid in eternity. When you indulge yourself in something, you lose track of time. It means you are putting your whole heart into it. Your soul and action counts, not the time and value.”

“Now that you told me about it, I need to eat meat.”

“You can go and hunt for it. Your body needs all the energy you can accumulate if you are to survive this trip.”

“Then how come you are not eating anything? How can you survive?”

“Who said I don't eat anything? Do you know my age?”

“You must be around what, 65 years?”

“I am 356 years old. I have had my fill of meat and food when I was your age. Now if I have to keep this host functioning, I have to give it less work.”

“Unbelievable! My tribe's people last only for about 100 to 120 years! How can you live so long?” 

“I just told you. This host is a machine. The more it works, the sooner it will rot. The less it works, the longer it will run.” the siddhar told him. Amaran learned new things every day with the siddhar. 

“Are you ready!?” The Siddhar asked him on the lunar eclipse day. 

“I am ready!” Amaran told him with determination. The Siddhar grabbed his hand and together they embarked on a walking journey. When they stopped, Amaran realized they were on a bald mountain with hard rocks everywhere and no sign of greens anywhere.

“Where are we?” He asked him.

“We are thousands of miles away from your home.” The siddhar told him while he started climbing further atop the huge rock.

“Thousands of miles? The sun has barely moved in the sky.”

“I told you, there is no time! Or you can say, "We walked at the speed of light.”

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