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Chapter Ninety-Five

Me, Obi-Wan, and Anakin immediately jumped into our fighters with our astromechs. As soon as we exited hyperspace we left the hangar and headed for the command ship.

"Lock onto him, R2." Anakin spoke to then droid. "General Grievous ship is dead ahead, the one crawling with vulture droids."

I glanced out my window, and saw the ship which seemed to be standing idly by as a third of the Separtist forces waged war within the atmosphere.

"Oh, I see it." Obi-Wan said, "This is going to be easy."

"I wouldn't get so cocky, Master." I swerved infront of him and shot down the vulture droids. Before majority of them could launch.

"Oddball, do you copy?" Obi-Wan spoke to one of the clones via comms.

"Copy, Red leader."

"Mark my position. Form your squad up behind me."

"We're on your tail, General Kenobi." He replied, his forces appearing behind us, taking in heavy fire.

"This is where the fun begins." I could hear Anakin's grin upon his face. I was excited too, after this battle, a quick end to the war would he upon us, and Ahsoka would return with Maul...but Anatoli was my main focus. I had no intent of joining in the rescue of the Chancellor, I wanted to save Anatoli, then, assist Anakin and Obi-Wan with anything they needed.

"I'm going in.." I said. "Allocate all power to the engines." I commanded my astromech.

"No, wait. We should let them pass between us."

I interrupted Obi-Wan, "Too late. Missles!" I said, shooting them down, causing them to explode and buzz droids to launch. "Pull up, Buzz droids." I warned them, as I pulled up aggressively.

"Well, you're ahead." Anakin said, "I'll get the shields."

"Will you make it?" I asked, knowing the steel doors will shut as soon as the shields are shot down.

"Yeah, sure. We'll make it."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-Wan sighed.

The shields vanished as I surged through the closing door, crashing into the ground, taking out several droids. Obi-Wan and Anakin just barely made it inside the hangar. They leapt out of their ships and cut down the droids lingering in the hangar.

"R2! Locate the chancellor!" Obi-Wan said. R2 beeped in response and entered his scomp link into the console. Showing a detailed scan of the battle ship, honing in on the chancellors signal. "The observation platform at the top of that spire."

Anakin turned behind him, somewhat concentrated. "I sense Count Dooku." Anakin said. He paused again for a moment and smiled at me, "I sense Anatoli also, he's alive."

"Thank the Stars." I sighed in relief, "You two take on the Dooku and rescue the Chancellor, R2, can you locate me Anatoli?" R2 beeped, saying he could try.

"I sense a trap." Obi-Wan said to us, mainly me.

"Next move?" Anakin asked.

"What we always do," I answered, "Spring it."

"General Grievous is for sure the one holding Anatoli." Obi-Wan asked. "You cannot beat him alone."

"Watch me." I said. "I already said, I won't fail my Padawan again."

"Alright, we'll head to the Chancellors location, you find Anatoli." Anakin said, gaining a nod from Obi-Wan. They walked out of the hangar to the nearest elevator.

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