Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Ahsoka told me she was going to use the restroom, aka she wanted to take a break without it looking like a break. She'd probably just sit on the sink counters and relax for less than a minute. After all, she was a guard duty, and couldn't sit or relax until it was her time to.

I found myself at the computers looking at Master Herans profile. The more I looked at him I could see out slight resemblance. Sure my light, almost fair, blue skin masked much of the resemblance between us. I also didn't inherit his light brown hair, but gave my mothers dark navy color. But when I looked at his eyes, I could see the same brown shimmer, and shape my had. I also had his nose, and his more arched eyebrow shape.

"Who's this?" Ahsoka startled me.

"Its someone I seen around before-"

"It says he left the order three years ago." She looked at me. "Unauthorized too, that makes him rogue right?"

I nodded. "I...suppose it does."

"He's probably working with Dooku." She says angrily. "And Asajj Ventress."

"You think so?" I asked.

"I don't know, possibly. But all I know is this place is boring."

"Nonsense." I said. "The archives is arguably the most interesting place in the entire Galaxy." I signed out of the computer, erasing the history.

"Well you're not on guard duty, so you can look around and have fun."

"I'm sure Madame Jocasta wouldn't mind if you took a break-"

"But Master Windu, Kenobi, and Yoda will." She groaned. "I mean, how was I supposed to know that the droids were surrounding me? From what I saw they were retreating!"

"I wasn't there so correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Master and Kenobi retreating?" I asked. She nodded. "Then you could have pointed together that if they had to retreat, they were outnumbered. What would you do if part of your battalion was outnumbered and retreating?" I asked.

"I'd help them- oh, you're right."

"I mean it's in the heat of battle, I understand. I don't think the Masters really mean to punish you." I said.

"Oh no, trust me, Master Windu fully meant it."

I couldn't help but laugh. I was picturing Master Windu's grumpy face.

"Hey, look." Ahsoka pointed to a Jedi walking by. "Maybe we could help him!"

"You mean bother..." she tugged my arm and lead me to the Skrilling Jedi Master. I recognized him, I haven't seen him around the temple in months. It was Master Enisence.

"Good afternoon Master Enisnece

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"Good afternoon Master Enisnece." She smiled and greeted.

"Good afternoon, Master." I bowed my head.

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