Chapter Eleven

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AN: Hello everyone! As promised, continuing on will be during the events of The Clone Wars TV show, and Revenge of the Sith! I still will have some mini arcs for my character though! (Like this chapter.)

On a side note my Character has been drawn by the amazing Bacon_is_Good12 !!!!

You can use this Picture they drew, combined with the cover, to get a gist of what Liyah Aviss looks like!❤️❤️❤️❤️

You can use this Picture they drew, combined with the cover, to get a gist of what Liyah Aviss looks like!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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ALSO this chapter and the next are filler chapter to kind of build then relationship between Ahsoka and Liyah.


"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up" Ahsoka said as I entered the dojo.

"I was meditating..." I shrugged and giggled.

"Well I hope you meditation went well, and don't worry I'll wrap this up quickly." She smirked.

We had an unusual amount of downtime lately. After our mission with Jabba's son, I guess the council wanted to give us a break.

Me and Ahsoka had been training non-stop though. We were matched at 2-2 in our little spar count, who ever won this one, was superior.

Ahsoka had a bit of an ego, like our Master. I would be lying if I said it didn't rub off on me.

I began to bow, and she drew out her lightsaber.

I cleared my throat. "The bow 'soka." I rolled my eyes.

She placed her saber back on her belt. "I always forget." She bowed.

Quickly, we both drew our lightsabers out infront of each other. We walked around in two complete circles before Ahsoka made the first move. She attacked me incredibly stiff, it wasn't like her.

I blocked her attack and parried her, she blocked my strike as we both backed up, each of us thinking how we were going to go about our next engagement.

She hadn't even used her reverse grip, which I had lost to badly on our first match-up. I was surprised, I still had yet to find a decent way to counter her acrobatics, so using them now would be a good idea. Why wasn't she though?

She lunged at me again, with a basic form 1 attack. I blocked her and hit her blade with a precise attack, almost knocking it out of her hand.

"Ahsoka what is going on?" I was concerned now.

"What do you mean?" She said circling me.

"You know what I mean." I rushed her down rather aggressively.

"Fight like yourself." I demanded.

"I decided I wanted to change it up a bit." She blocker and parried my forceful strikes.

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