Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I just wanna say thank you all for reading my story😭 I can't believe we're at 300 reads already it's insane! I feel like I was at 100 just a few days ago! Tysm for taking time out of your day to read<333


"You're Majesty." I bowed. "Indeed, I have met Senator Amidala."

"Your Anakin's apprentice?" The senator got up to shake my hand.

"Yes, I am, Senator Amidala." I shook her hand politely.

"Please,  Anakin is a great friend of mine, you may call me Padmé."

"Ladies, if you may please take your seats. We have a lot of discuss." The Chancellor said.

Me and Padmé both took our seats infront of his desk.

"I have some rather spectacular news," he began "I have received word from the Supreme Executive of the banking clan that they are requesting a treaty."

"This is spectacular news!" Padmé rejoiced.

I had no idea what any of this meant. All I knew was that the banking clan was apart of the Separatist .

"If we could get them to leave the Separatists, we become ever more close to ending this war." She said.

"Yes indeed..." He agreed.

"Liyah, you will accompany Senator Amidala on her diplomatic mission." He said.

"I still don't understand why I need any form of protection" Said Padmé. "This negotiation is crucial, if the Banking clan even gets whiff of foul-"

"Senator, I would feel all the more relaxed if you had a Jedi to accompany you." The Chancellor interrupted.

"As you wish, your highness." She said.

"I would depart immediately," The Chancellor suggested, "The coordinates have been put into your ship already."

Padmé led me to her apartment. She apparently needed to collect someone.

"I never go on any diplomatic missions without him." She said. "He may seem like an ordinary droid but he does have a certain 'personality'." She smiled.

"Of course." I said.

The door to the apartment opened.

I looked around and it was enormous. You could really tell senators had a massive amount of credits.

"Hello, I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations." A protocol droid with Brass plating walked over to me.

"Liyah this is C-3PO, and C-3PO this is Liyah." Padmé introduced us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Liyah." The droid said.

"The pleasure is all my C-3PO." I smiled.

"C-3PO, we are being tasked with an important diplomatic mission, we need to leave immediately after I change out my gown." Padmé said. "Liyah will you mind waiting here for a moment, I'll be done in just a few."

I nodded as she went to her room to change out of her flowing dress.

"You must be a Jedi Knight." C-3PO said.

"Well, not exactly. I'm a Padawan learner, my teacher is Master Skywalker."

"Oh dear, Master Ani has a Padawan now."

"Well two actually— hold on did you just say 'Master Ani'?" I questioned.

I had never heard any call Master, 'Ani' let alone a droid.

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