Chapter Seventy-Four

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A/N; Sorry if the pacing I'm this chapter isn't the best. I wrote it before, then deleted it by accident so I had to use my notes to rewrite it 😭

"How are me and you going to take out 5 super tanks?"

"I see you haven't studied your military history, nor your weapons history."

"Literally no one studies that!"

"Then that's something you'll have to change." I digressed, "Super Tanks are imperious to artillery, but they're slower than your average tank, and can't combat anything close range. We'll sneak close to the nearest tank and hijack it."

He nodded, "Okay. That seems somewhat plausible."

"But we're doing this my way." I said. "You're far too reckless." He rolled his eyes, but conceded anyway.

"General." Rex contacted me via comms. "There's vulture and bomber droids bombing the top of the shield."

I looked up, and could see the smoke from the bombs casting a shadow below.

"Send a squadron to take the vulture droids out."

"They won't he able to come back in General."

"I know, Rex." I sighed. "I'm taking out the tanks, once that's done...I'll lower the shield."

"Alright, we'll take out those clankers General!"

I contacted the governor. "Governor, I need you to send someone to the top of the building and prepare to deactivate the shields at my command."

"I'll do it." A hologram appeared, it was Satine, well now called Selene.

"Thank you, Selene. I'll keep in touch."

"I'll be waiting Master Jedi." I nodded and ended the transmission.

"Who is that woman?" Anatoli asked.

"She's a great friend and ally. Now let's get back to the thing at hand."

"It's self explanatory. I know how a tank works, I entered though the command hatch, and bang I'm in."

"How do you suppose you'll get close enough to the tank?"

"I could run."

"And get sent home in an urn, sure."

"Okay...what do you suggest then Master?"

"Perhaps stealth. If you could tone it down some."

He rolled his eyes, "Sure, whatever."

We crept to the edge of the shield. The tank fired its missles, making the surrounding area shake. "Now!" I ran through the shield, smoke engulfed the area the missiles hit. The tank was a quarter of a click away.

"You're doing exactly what you told me not to do!" Anatoli shouted, following behind me.

"You're up!" I pulled opened the command hatch with the force. Anatoli jumped through, with a few blaster shots and the tank sparking electricity, Anatoli was out. He drug with him, two Zygerrians.

"Easy!" He came out grinning and dusting himself off. I couldn't help but smile in return, as the tank blew up behind us.

"We have four more. I'll get two, you get two?" He nodded.

We separated as we ran into the second tank. I jumped above it, propelling myself to the next. I trusted him enough to be able to handle two Zygerrians.

I opened the hatch on the next tank. Using the I pushed both the soldiers into the tanks inner walls. One landed on the control panel, while the other went unconscious.

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