Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I was about to exit the east wing when the fans cut off and the lights flickered. The door out slammed shut and the red emergency lights came on.

"What is going on?" I thought aloud. I then tried to contact Padmé and Master, but the communications was being blocked.

I decided I'd sneak around to the main lobby, since that's where she was going when we departed.

I was at a balcony and heard a voice. "I am Padmé Amidala, Senator from Naboo and I demand that you release us immediately."

I leaned over the Balcony and could see the senators grouped up in the center circle, surrounded by what looked like bounty hunters. A man was holding her chin, I could see he had blue skin and a brown hat. "The Galatic Senate will not treat with Terrorist!"

"Aren't you a bit too young and pretty to be a Senator?" He examined her

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"Aren't you a bit too young and pretty to be a Senator?" He examined her. Padmé looked at me from below, I was grabbed by someone and pulled over. I elbowed them in the stomach, it was Master.

"Sorry Master!" I whispered.

He was gasping for air. "It's...okay...Giggles." He caught his breath after I accidentally winded him.

"Why did you sneak up on me like that?"

"He was gonna turn around and see you, look I have a plan." He looked down to something on the floor. It was a heavy coat made of expensive looking fur.

"No." I told him knowing he was going to have me go undercover. "I refuse."

"Come on, he knows who I am." He said. "He doesn't know you."


"That man down there, in the run down cowboy get-up, that's Cad Bane."

I recognized the name from Jado. He was he was going to deliver Osiro to him. Was Jado apart of this plot?

"Look, I need you to go down there." He said. "I'm not asking as y Master, but as your brother." He sighed. "I need to know Padmé is safe."

"What's the plan?" I sighed.

"Pretend to be a handmaiden, Padmé is quick and will catch on."

"And what do I do from there? Take all them on?"

"No, buy me time to figure out what exactly is going on. I'll cause a little distraction when you get down there."

"This is so...fine." I put my hair into a Naboo styled bun, making sure my Padawan braid wasn't visible. "You better hurry Master."

I took a deep breath before running through the doors to the main lobby. "Oh Senator Amidala! There you are! I was so worried!" I pretended to be in distress, it was very embarrassing.

"Hands up!" A pirate pointed his gun at me. I pulled my hands up and faked fear. "Who are you?"

 "Who are you?"

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