Chapter Forty

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But seriously this story came a long way!😭 I honestly can't believe I've written a story with 40 chapter it's actually crazy. And as of November 12th, 2023 were number one on #starwarstheclonewars😭❤️

I just wanna say thank you so much to everyone who reads like honest♥️♥️♥️

P.S- At the end of this chapter I left an Authors Note for you guys, please respond to the paragraph, I'd love your feedback<333

We arrived at the Devaron system, as expected there was a Separtist Frigate. Master and General Yularen were debating whether or not or attack the ship and or board. But we hadn't had any idea how to board.

"What should we do Master?" I asked. "Boarding the ship will be difficult, and we can't destroy the ship-"

"I'm thinking." He rubbed his chin, similar to Obi-Wan.

"Yeah, great call not bringing any equipment to board a ship. All we have is these walkers." Ahsoka rolled her eyes. She had suggested earlier to bring fighters, but Master thought it'd be a ground assault.

"You're right..." Master grinned. "We'll use the walkers!"

The admiral gave him a very displeased looked. "Walkers are meant for GROUND assaults-"

"Wait a second," Rex pondered. "They have magnetic feet.

"We could easily take out their bombers too." Ahsoka said.

Yularen sulked in defeat. "Fine. This better work."

"Sir! They're trying to exit to hyperspace!" A clone shouted.

"Destroy their hyperdrive! Nothing else!" He shouted to the Clone.

Me, Ahsoka, and Master put on oxygen helmets, to walk in space. Three walkers were deployed. The enemy bombers tried to fight us, but we were so close we annihilated them without taking any casualties.

R2 flew onto the scene and opened the airlock. We all jumped down, abandoning the walkers and entered the ship.

I took off my helmet and put it in a backpack Rex was carrying.

"Artoo, lead us to the bridge." Master said.

R2 began rolling down the several corridors. The doors to the bridge opened and the droids didn't even fire. They looked to not even be armed.

"I'm not the commander! He his!" A battle droid pointed to another battle droid who was sitting down. Rex shot the droid he pointed at. "Well I guess I'm the commander now-" The clones fired on the remains droids.

"General Skywalker, one of the engines has exploded on that frigate. I caution you avoid the Aft section." Admiral Yularen said over Masters commlink.

"How much damage is there?"

"I suggest immediate evacuation." Me and Ahsoka looked at eachother, knowing Master was too stubborn to evacuate.

"Not until we get what we came for." He replies and hangs up. He turns towards everyone. "Let's find our way to the holding cells, Master Ropal may still be there."

We made our way to the holding cells, there was at-least 20 on each side. Me, Master, Ahsoka and the Clones went to each one pressing the buttons to open the steel cells.

"I don't sense anyone here, let alone a Jedi." I whispered to Rex.

"Are you saying he's not here?" Rex asked.

The Second Padawan Where stories live. Discover now