Chapter Fifty-Three

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Jado came back shortly after. "What are you up to?" He asked me, he had what looked like oil all over his face.

"I contacted my Master, he expects me back within 4 rotations, if not, he's coming to get me."

"The ship should be done by then." He leaned up against the arch that separated the cockpit from the hull. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"I was asking about the venom, but now, now are YOU feeling?" He emphasized "you".

"I.." I was still debating with myself what I was going to do. "I want to help with your rebellion, as much as I can within four days." I confessed to him.

"Really?" He asked, I nodded.

"Let me show you to our base of operations." He waved for me to follow. "BeeBee watch the ship!" Jado yelled back excitedly, grabbing my hand.

"That's all I ever do." Said the droid, if it had eye balls it would have surely rolled them.

Jado bought me to what looked like a ran down Cantina. There was a singular bartender. "Can I get some death sticks?" Jado asked.

I gasped at what he asked. Jado better not have been smoking those.

"Get out, we don't sell those. Take the back exit." The bartender pointed to the back.

Jado held my hand and took me towards the back of the Cantina, and into a closet. From that closet was a later to a basement.

Inside the basement there were a few people sitting around. A female Twi'lek, the boy Tybalt from earlier, and a Gungan male.

"Whosa dis?" The Gungan pointed to me.

"That's Jados friend." Tybalt answered for him. "That's Liyah!"

I smiled and waved to them. The female Twi'lek scowled, not please go meet me. "This is Barei-Po," Tybalt introduced me to the Gungan, "And this is Ismene." He introduced me to the Twi'lek.

"She's to join us?" She asked Jado.

"Yeah, she wants to help as much as she can."

"Good, give her job." She nudged the Gungan.

"Yousa comin with me. Weesa go ona supply run."

"I was actually thinking she could come with me." Jado said. "Take her to meet the people.."


"There's more people?" I asked. Jado nodded his head.

"Most of the people are on our side. We just don't have quite enough standing. Food is scarce on Jakku, and we don't have much supplies. At this rate, a successful rebellion will have to wait for at-least another year."

"When I contacted my Master, I asked for supplies. He unfortunately isn't able to send any of the Republics resources."

"We never wanted the Republic's help to begin with." Jado said. "We've been just as much as citizens as anyone else in the Republic, but they leave us out to dry." He shrugged.

"What will you do after you relieve the planet of Niimas control?" I asked. From my classes in the temple, I knew that once a tyrant is taken out, there needs to be some sort of government in place or there will be Anarchy.

"I don't know, with everyone free, someone will take the mantle." He shrugged off.

"This planet will need a government, and who knows, maybe you'll get a seat on the Senate."

"I doubt that." He sat down on the speeder. I got behind him and took a seat as passenger. "Even if this Planet is back water, it's far too remote and underdeveloped."

He took me to a collection of tents outside of Niima outpost. There were people of all species around, cooking, cleaning, and other mundane tasks.

A Toydarian women flew up to us. She spoke the language I have yet to learn. She seemed really excited see us, well Jado.

Jado answered what she said, and he hugged her and flew away.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"She told me her son is doing better now." He smiled. "He was sick for the past few weeks, when I was meeting my quota, I picked up some medicine from Felucia."

I smiled, that was really sweet of him. I didn't want to admit it, but Jado had changed a lot. He still got on my nerves, but he was much more mature. It made me feel safe around him..

"Basically I come around here and make sure everyone's good, and get some of the latest." He walked to a human male, he was rather old and looked worst for wear.

"Jado! Who's this young lady?" He reached out to shake my hand.

"I'm Liyah, it's a pleasure to meet you." I introduced myself.

"She's helping me out for a little bit."

"Man, what you doing is unheard of." He smiled and swung his arm over Jado's shoulder. "You see this guy?" He poked Jado's chest, "He's the guy that's gonna make me the first person in my family to not be a slave!" He grinned.

"Oh sit down old man!" Jado laughed. "Before you break something.."

"Jado!" I bumped his arm.

"Nah, I know you love me kid, we appreciate everything you do." He laughed.

"What's the latest in the palace?" Jado asked, his expression changing to a more serious one.

"Niima bought some turrets, to keep the place on lock down." He said. "Genjva, Gorro, and Potti were caught sneaking in, trying to get rations."

Jado sighed. "That's a shame..I should have been more persuasive when asking them to join our cause, this just makes everything harder. We'll need another extension, we're gonna have to scavenge for more materials to build better defense, especially against such firepower."

"Droid poppers." I said aloud.


"Are they automated?" I asked the old man.

"Yeah, I believe so, no one mans them!" He replied.

"Droid poppers are electro magnetic pulse bombs. We use them on droids, tanks, and other Separatist weaponry."

"We?" The old man asked suspiciously.

"She means her...brigade of Separatists fighters..." Jado strung together a quick lie.

"I'm no fool, Jado." The old man laughed. "This girls a Jedi, don't worry your secret is safe with me." He smiled.

"Thank you, sir." I bowed.

"Do people not take well to Jedi here?" I asked.

"Not very much, any Republic figure is looked at with disdain."

After spending the rest of the day talking to people and assisting them, Jado told me I should get back to the ship and rest. I most likely wouldn't be with him tomorrow, since his other comrades could use my help.

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