Chapter Eighty-Five

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When Anakin returned, I volunteered to go to Kamino to retrieve a full report. "If Tup is the victim of some Separatist plot, we have no idea how widespread it already is."

"Agreed, me, Rex, and my Padawan will get to the bottom of this, with the Kaminoans...full support I presume."

Anatoli glared at Tup, as he was taken into the ship on the gurney. "Stay focused." I jabbed his arm.

"I am focused."


"Excuse me sir!" Fives ran up to me and Rex.

"What is it Fives?" I asked.

"Permission to come with you sir...he's my best friend." He said sincerely.

This wasn't the best idea, considering their closeness. If he were truly so attached to Fives, he could jeopardize research. Anatoli looked at me, along with Rex, waiting for my response. I thought about Ahsoka, if she were in Tups position, and I were in Fives, I would have fought to come along, or even sneak onboard. "Okay Fivee," I gave my answer, "But you are to do nothing to interrupt the Kaminoans protocols, understand?"

"Yes Sir! Thank you!" He saluted and followed us after Tup.

"That means everything by the book, no more slip ups." Rex warned.

"Understood Sir."

"I've never been to Kamino." Anatoli said, like I didn't know. "What's it like? I know it's aquatic, and storms a lot."

"You won't get to see much of the water, nor the storms. It's like one big Medical bay." I said earning a chuckle from Fives and Rex.

Once we landed we were guided in by the doctor and two clones who took control of Tups gurney. "You will have to say goodbye to your friend now." The doctor looked to Fives.

"Yes doctor." He said.

"Anatoli focus." I whispered as I caught him staring at quite literally every thing we walked passed.

"Sorry's so...what's the word for it, uncanny in here."

Master Shaak Ti turned the corner to greet us. "Captain Rex, General Aviss, and Commander Amaris." She bowed her head.

"It's a pleasure to see you, Master, I wish it was under a better circumstance

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"It's a pleasure to see you, Master, I wish it was under a better circumstance." I frowned. If this were a few years ago, I would be seeing her in the temple, not at Kamino supervising the creation, training, and distribution of clones.

She turned her head to Fives, "Fives, am I correct?" She asked him. He nodded and relied. "You served w Tup?" She asked.


"You must come with me." She looked as Tup was taken into am examination room.

"With all due respect, General, I can't just abandon him now."

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