Chapter Sixty-Two

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you so much for 15k reads 🥹❤️❤️❤️!!

This chapter is kinda long so for that I'm sorry😭 I couldn't find a good place to break it in half.

Also happy holidays! I hope everyone has a good new years, I wanted to say this now since I don't know if I'll have my next chapter out by then, I probably will but for good measure! ❤️

Also later today I'll post to my other mini-book. It will be from a characters perspective I made and literally never talk about. (It's not Jado 😭 but he will get his chapter soon!)

Ahsoka pulled me outside the tree to talk. "What was that earlier, yesterday?" She asked.

I shrugged. "What was what?"

"You know what I'm talking about. The lighting? The rage, is everything okay? That's wasn't you Liyah.."

I nodded, wanting this conversation to be over with. "I'm okay, I'm just on edge." I was partly telling the truth. Ever since our "trip" to Mortis I started feeling really intense emotions. It was strange, only thing I really remember was leaving that place.

"We're going to make it, okay?" She patted my shoulder. " I nodded, feeling thankful and slightly reassured.

"We're gonna need to split into lookouts and retrievals." Ahsoka told the group.

Chewbacca said he could do everything himself, Ahsoka insisted that she come along with him. Me, Jinx, and O-Mer decided to keep a look out. We unanimously decided that Kalifa needed some rest.

Once we arrived to the wreckage, Me, O-Mer and Jinx hid inside the brush. Chewbacca and Ahsoka crept onto the crashed ship. Once we lost them out of our sites I felt a disturbance nearby.

O-Mer tapped my shoulder and pointed up towards rock above us. There was a hunter with a long rifle stalking Ahsoka and Chewbacca. I got Jinx's attention, he nodded and moved sneakily past the Hunter to reach the other side of him.

Me and O-Mer inched closer and closer. I made hand signals, quickly designing a plan: Disarm the Hunter and drag him down to the ground.

Jinx snatched his gun away with the force, me and O-Mer drug him down the rock. The blaster shot, thankfully not hitting anyone.

The three of us jumped down to the ground, the Hunter got up and pulled a dagger out of his sheath.

He swung it at me first, I dodged, feeling his intention and where he tried to strike. I grabbed his arm, trying to disarm him but he threw me.

O-Mer and Jinx pounced on him, with his strength exceeding ours, he threw them down easily.

I got in-front of Jinx, to protect him. He grabbed me by the throat and tried to stab me, I caught his arm with both of my hands, trying to keep the knife away from me.

I heard a loud roar, it was Chewbacca. He grabbed the hunter's arm that was choking me. He squeezed it until I heard a crack, making the Hunter drop me. I gasped for air and clutched my throat, feeling the relief of being able to breathe.

Chewbacca grabbed the other arm and threw him down, choking him.

"Wait!" Jinx stopped him, "We should take him prisoner."

Ahsoka looked at me, and I nodded. "Fine. Chewbacca, let's take him."

Chewbacca rolled his eyes and threw him back to the ground, and grabbed both is arms.

Kalifa scowled once she saw the Hunter. Jinx quickly bound his arms together with some thick twine, we needed Chewbacca's strength to weave.

Chewbacca began building what looked like a transmitter out of scrap, it was coming together rather nicely. The lights even started to come on.

The Second Padawan Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon