Chapter Fifteen

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"Wait no..." Padmé paused. "The bottom hatch."

Padmé opened the bottom hatch of the ship. I guess she figured it would be safer if the droids didn't know if had left the ship.

I jumped down first, Padmé second.

"Come on 3PO, hurry!" Padmé whsipered.

C-3PO looked rather nervous.

"Hurrying my lady, I'm just not sure this is a good idea." He said.

"We have no other choice." I said.

"Mine the gap. Mind the gap."

"That's a transport, someone's coming." Padmé hid us behind a large crate.

Loud clanking footsteps approached the ship. It was a massive droid, I recognized his features.

Large in stature, a hunch for a back, and a loud raspy. This was General Grievous.

"We have to move

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"We have to move." I whispered. "That's General Grievous. A Jedi Killer."

I peaked over the crate and saw the monstrous cyborg enter the hull. We moved to another crate to see more easily and conceal ourselves better.

"Now!" Padmé whispered.

The ship exploded. We used the explosion to cover our footsteps and ran into a hallway.

"Do we have a plan?" I asked while running.

"Not at the moment!" Padmé said.

I peaked over a corner to see if it was safe to turn. I looked left and right to see any battle droids.

"This way my lady." I said.

"Padmé." She corrected.

"Sorry, it's just Jedi are so strict with the formality of things." I said.

"It's okay, given our situation, I think we can skip formalities. And besides, I see you as a close friend, not someone at my service."

I smiled at her kind words. Even the crude political world had their diamonds in the rough.

"Look a com panel!" I pointed.

"Perfect." Padmé ran towards the panel nailed to the wall.

She was trying to set up contact, I looked behind to make sure no one snuck us.

I could hear marching from a distance. It sounded like metal clanking against metal.

"Pardon me, might I suggest we keep moving." 3PO said.

The mechanical marching was getting closer and closer. If it was regular old battle droids, it could handle it...but General Grievous? He's killed several Jedi Masters, there was no way I could win a fight with him.

"I think I heard battle droids approaching." 3PO urged us.

"But we also need to contact the fleet." Padmé said. "Liyah can you handle the droids?" She asked.

"Padmé, battle droids will be no problem...but if it's General Grievous..."

"You're right, we can't risk it."

The droids kept getting closer and closer. I could make out their shadows down the hall. "Padmé-"

"In here!"

She pulled me and 3PO into a corner. She placed a large piece of debris to cover us, leaving an eye hole to peak out of.

"Uhh General?" A battle droid spoke.

"What?" General Grievous faces the droid.

"The damage to the hyperdrive wasn't as bad as we thought, we should be able to get under way again shortly."

"I must inform Count Dooku." General Grievous said with his hoards voice. "Stay here. Continue the search." He poked the droids chest. "Find the Senator and bring her to me, kill the Jedi."

Padmé held my arm, as if she was trying to protect me.

"Roger, Roger." The battle droid replied.

General Grievous stormed off.

After a few moments, when the coast was clear, Padmé pushed the debris away, and headed back to the Comms Panel.

"How did they know I was with you?" I asked the question that was burning through my mind.

"The Chancellor must have told the Supreme Executive that he was sending a Jedi along with me." She said.

"Yeah...that has to be it." I said, truly not all that convinced.

I had a bad feeling about the Chancellor. I knew most politicians weren't to be trusted.

"He has long out-served his term." I remember Mace Windu saying.

For once, I agree with the strict Jedi Master. The war starting right when the Chancellors second term was almost up? It was awfully shady.

"Padmé?" Masters voice came through the Panel.

"Anakin?" Padmé replied.

"Are you alright? Is Liyah there?" He said, worry riddling his voice.

"I'm here Master!" I said.

"Where are you?"

"We're on the lower levels, we're fine but I don't know for how long." Padmé said. "Droids are everywhere."

"Obi-Wan and I are onboard too."

"What? What are you doing here?" She said.

I face palmed. I swore we told Master to press on with the attack, of course he would come to be the hero. I would be lying if I didn't feel safer knowing Master was onboard looking for us.

"We came to get you off this ship!" Anakin replied. "Ahsoka, how can we reach them?"

"According to our scans, there should be a large open area near the center of the ship. It should be half way between the both of you."  Ahsoka's voice came through our comms.

"Did you hear that Padmé?" Anakin asked.

"I'll be there." She hung up.

AN: Sorry this Chapter is short, I wanted to kinda group this chapter and the next by itself since something big is gonna happen next chapter. Not like life changing big but something is gonna be revealed.🫣

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