Chapter Thirty-Three

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A/N: Hi everyone! I just wanted to say sorry this kinda took a while, and the chapter is kinda long😭 (2k words). But I think you all will like the next following chapters, especially if you're a fan of my created characters, since multiple of them will be featured, and a new one.


"I don't see why I'm doing this." I said, as I used the scooter to get underneath Ahsokas fighter. "R2 pass me that one thing with the round edge." I said, forgetting the name.

R2 beeped. And handed me the tool. "You're getting better at repairs." Masters said.

"You think so?"


"What?" I rolled from underneath the ship.

"Relax, I'm joking, and testing you." He said.

"Testing me for what?"

"To see if you actually start believing in yourself."

"You wanted to see me Master?" Ahsoka approached us gloomily.

"Hey Snips!" Master greeted her smiling. It's seemed as if almost he forgotten what happened, but I knew Master didn't dwell on losses. "How ya' doing?"

"Oh I'm fine Master, just fine." She said unconvincingly.

I frowned but had to get back to repairing her ship. I'd definitely eavesdrop on the conversation though.

"Ah, that's good to hear. We're gonna need you level-headed to help us pull this off." Master told her.

"Pull this off?" She repeated. "Pull what off?"

"The socket plug." I reached my hand out, I was almost done, and Ahsokas ship would be fully repaired.

Master handed me the socket plug as he answered Ahsoka. "I talked to Master Windu earlier. We're to proceed with our attack on the blockade."

"What?" Ahsoka shouted. "We can't! I- I- mean.." she stuttered.

"Ahsoka." Master placed his hand on her shoulder. "We have to break the blockade. The Twi'leks on Ryloth are depending on us."

"I understand that Master, but we've lost so many men! D-did we get more support?"

I rolled out from under the ship and shook my head. "We have to make do with the forces we have." Master said.

"We can do it." I tried to reassure her.

"No! You don't understand! You weren't out there! It wasn't YOUR squadron who got wiped out!"

"Ahsoka!" Master shouted.

"Do you even have a plan Master, do you?" She asked.

"No, I'm coming up with one."

"You don't even have a plan!?"

"Don't worry, Ahsoka."

"No! You said that last time, now everyone's gone! My squadron, the Redeemer, all gone!"

"Calm yourself!" Master said.

"We can't just smash through that blockade." She finished.

Master was receiving a transmission on his comlink. Ahsoka crossed her arms and waited for him to pick it up. "Skywalker here."

"General," It was Rex. "The defender is contacting us. There seems to be a problem."

"Alright Rex." Master sighed. "I'll be right there." He hung up and turned his attention back to Ahsoka. "Go back to your quarters and cool off, we'll finish this talk later." Ahsoka rolled her eyes and walked away.

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