Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: GUYS WE REACHED 6K❤️❤️❤️ No but seriously, thank you to everyone who takes time out of their days to read😭❤️.

P.S This chapter is a bit on the longer side (1.8k words). I couldn't really find a spot to cut it. But after a few more chapters, there's gonna be a time-skip, only by a few months or so.


I awoke in an all white room, it was recognizable though. I was in the medical room at the Jedi temple. The aching sensation was now gone. I had multiple pads attached to me.

"You're awake." Said a medical droid. "I am pleased to inform you that your condition is entirely stable."

"Thanks..." I said as I pulled off the sticky pads that connected my vitals to the computer.

"I do advise rest though." The droid said and walked out of the room.

I was dressed in a regular hospital gown, meaning I probably had been out for a while. My clothes were rested on a table, neatly folded. They smelt clean as-well. As I put my gloves on I took a look at my hand, there wasn't even a sign of it behind burnt before.

I heard someone enter the room.

"Master..." I said as I saw him. "Did we complete the mission? And where's Ahsoka?"

Before I passed out again, Rex told me Ahsoka was facing Grievous alone.

"We did. And Ahsokas fine, she made it out with all of us." He said.

"You're disappointed...I shouldn't have fallen so easily-"

"I'm not disappointed in you." He said. "It's my fault, I should have trained you more. I have something planned to help you in further situations on the battle field. Meet me at the loading dock in two hours".

Master then left as another person entered. It was Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka!" I smiled and hugged her. She returned my hug, before pulling away.

"I have SO much to tell you!" She said.

"Wait, how long was I out?" I asked.

"Around 10 days." She said. I was shocked. I was held up in here for 10 days?

"What happened at the battle station?" I asked.

"Well for one, we blew it up. And I had to take on General Grievous. Oh- and that stubby little backstabber, R3 he—"

"Backstabber?" I interrupted. What was she talking about?

"Turns out R3 has been spying on us for weeks!" Ahsoka said. "He's been sabotaging us the entire mission, from closing doors on us, AND speaking directly to Grievous."

I was taken aback. I thought the droid had a few screws loose, but he was trying to kill us the whole time. "What happened to him?" I asked.

"R2 kicked his bolts."

"R2's back?" I smiled. She nodded in response. "Im glad."

"Masters got something crazy planned for you." She said.

"Is it training?"

"Yeah." She groaned. "It's pretty excessive if you ask me, we kept doing the same thing over and over again yesterday, the day before that, and before that." She groaned once more.

"What is it?"

"He told me if I told you it'll interfere with the 'effectiveness'." She said, seemingly not believing the words coming from her own mouth.

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