Chapter Sixty-Four

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"What exactly are we looking for?" I asked as we entered the area of the industrial zone: The Works.

"I don't know, you tell me. You're the tracker."

"Everything is so clouded here." I said, "The force, it's shrouded in darkness."

"Then they have to be here, along with the dark lord of the Sith. Darth Sidous."

"More reason for us to not be here right now, Hallo."

"I have to help my friends.."

I turned towards him, "By getting yourself killed? You're jeopardizing the mission. Mace Windu doesn't know we found any information yet. If we get killed here he'll never know." He was being reckless. Like my Master, but I had way more faith in Anakin than this boy.

"Can you just trust me? This will help us."

"How am I supposed to trust..." I felt a disturbance in the force. Even in such a dark area I could feel it. "Land." Hallo surprisingly landed with no protest.

"This is the LiMerge building, it use to be headquarters of various organizations, now abandoned." He said.

"But is it forgotten..." I looked around defensively, I could feel someone watching.

"You shouldn't be here, and you bought her." One of the boys we were supposed to be tracking walked out from behind a structure.

"Runo? What are you doing here? Come back with us!"

"We are no longer Jedi." Another, who I presumed was Gil Murstin appeared behind us.  I turned towards him.

"We didn't have the luxury of getting picked by a Master, or thrown onto one." He scowled at me. "We were throwaways." He ignited his lightsaber, a crimson red.

"We don't want to fight, but we will." I warned, reaching for my lightsabers.

"Then you'll die here." Runo charged at Hallo, Gil doing the same towards me.

I dodged his swings, they were wild and unrefined like a youngling. He attempted a two handed overhead strike, I grabbed his hands, pushed them upwards and kicked him in his stomach.

I could sense his rage bubbling. I needed to use that to my advantage. "I have two lightsabers, yet you aren't even a challenge enough for me to use one." He charged at me again, trying to swipe at my abdomen. I jumped over him and pushed him with the force into a wall. Using his stunned state to my advantage, I overwhelmed his force barrier, lifting him into the air and slamming him down against the ground.

I ran to Hallo, but saw a figure at the top of the LiMerge building. "Who is that?" Hallo looked up and Runo turned around.

"My Master." Runo smirked. He got into a form 3 defensive stance, ready to take both of us on.

"Liyah take the speeder and go, I can handle Runo." Hallo ordered.

"What? We can take their master together, just like we can take him!"

"Just go! Trust me, please! You need to confirm his identity!"

I nodded, running towards the speeder and piloting it upwards. I could hear and see the clashes of red and green.

The figure was tall, and hooded. I parked the speeded at the ledge of the building and got out. I drew both my lightsabers, this had to be Darth Sidous. If I were to take him I needed to use all of my training.

"Is that how you greet your father, Lee." I nearly dropped my lightsabers at the voice I haven't heard in almost five years.

"M-master Heran..."

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