Chapter Eighty-Four

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A month later, we had entered the battle of Ringo Vinda. We were locked in a space battle that lasted multiple rotations on a space station that orbited the entire planet. With such a massive assault, we were aided by the Jedi twin sisters Tiplee and Tiplar to try to end the stalemate.

 With such a massive assault, we were aided by the Jedi twin sisters Tiplee and Tiplar to try to end the stalemate

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"Push toward!" Master ordered the troops

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"Push toward!" Master ordered the troops. As we punched a hole through enemy lines. The corridor was fairly cramped for a full assault, so we marched in a broken line.

The twins were taking the right flank while we took the left, prioritizing getting to the outpost and securing it. "Look out Master!" Anatoli jumped in-front of me, blocking a the blaster shots of a commando droid.

"I can handle myself, Padawan." I sighed and cut the droid down. I had to touch up on my physical capabilities, and resort to using one lightsaber rather than two. Without the force, duel wielding proved an immense challenge.

We reached the safe room, successfully taking control. "Don't get too comfortable." Master told the clones and Anatoli. "The battle hasn't been won yet."

"Master Skywalker," Tiplee approached us. "We must get to the command post. Admiral Trench has sent for reinforcements. We must take this post before they arrive."

Rex placed a scan of the area down. "We're here." I pointed to our position. "We'll have to break once more." I sighed. "Tiplar you'll take your men this way." I pointed to the second left passage way. "Tiplee, you'll go this way." I pointed to the farther right passage. "In order for phase two to be successful, we need to make them divide their forces to counter us, then Anakin, my Padawan, and I will attack through the middle." I looked to Anakin for his approval.

"The timing is key. If we time it all right, we'll all converge on this spot at the send time," he pointed to the opening infront of the command post, "and the droids won't know what hit them."

"If we're making a run, we'll need backup. My men are severely depleted." Tiplar's commander said.

"Okay, Rex, you take Tup, Anatoli, and 5 of your best men to assist Master Tiplar." I said, Anatoli was proving himself to somewhat follow orders, but more importantly his competence on the battle field.

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