Chapter Thirty-Six

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A/N: Sorry for that cliffhanger last chapter 🤭
Ps: this Chapter is 2k words so it's a little longer than the last.

I was laying on the crates, furious actually. Jado had betrayed me, stun blasted me, and was taking Osiro to who knows where.

In my rage, I could feel my fingers start to move. I gripped the edge of the crate and pulled myself upwards. Thanks to Masters rigorous training, I was able to recover from stun blast quicker than ever.

I ran out the warehouse and could see Jado in a 4 seat speeder. He was already in the air flying away.

I looked around, for any type of speeder. I saw a girl, around my age getting on a speeder.

"Excuse me miss!" I ran to her urgently.

"Jedi?" She said looking at my lightsaber on my hip.

"Yes, may I please borrow this speeder? I give you my word I'll give it back."

The girl drowned. "I'm sorry miss, but this is my only speeder, and I need to buy a new reactor stat."

"How many credits do you need for me to ask you to help me tail that speeder up there?" I pointed to Jado who was getting out of eyeshot distance.

"100 should do it."

"I'll give you 500." I got on the back of her speeder.

"On it Master Jedi!" She smiled and started the engine. I could see Jado more clearly now. "My names Mira!" She said.

"I'm Liyah Aviss." I relied. "Just get me close to the speeder, and we're good."

I wanted to repay her well, so I placed all my credits given to me for the mission, which was 1,000, in her pockets.

We gained on Jado, and he looked up and smiled. "That'll do, thank you." I told Mira and jumped off her speeder and landed in the back seat of Jado's.

"You backstabbing, sneaky little-" I cut myself off, realizing I was feeding too much into anger. I crawled to the passenger seat, careful to not step on Osiro, who was currently unconscious in the back next to me. Jado has cuffed him and tied his limbs up.

"Pull this speeder over, Jado."

"You're a strong girl, a stun blast didn't even knock you out." He smiled and stopped the speeder.

"Release Osiro over to me." I demanded.

"I got him fair and square though." Jado was still joking with me.

"Why aren't you taking this serious!" I shouted.

"I am!" I could see a smug smirk start to form.

"I can sense your intention with the force, you're a bad liar."

"Only for you."

"What does that mean!?"

"If I wanted to deceive you I could." He shrugged. "But I like you too much."

"Then hand him over."

"You should just pick him up and fly him to the Jedi temple."

"You're not funny."

"I've made you laugh before."

"That doesn't matter! Stop changing the subject so much."

"You're the one who said I wasn't funny, which is truly hurtful." He fake pouted.

"You know what-"

"Am I interrupting something?" Osiro jumped in, he was awake.

"No. I'm just turning you in to Cad Bane, so they can free Ziro the Hutt."

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