Chapter Fifty-Two

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"Hey." I felt tapping on my cheek. "Wake up we're here. Stay with me okay?" I fought for my eyes to open.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"For around 5 hours, you fell asleep mid conversation." He chuckled softly.

He swooped me under my shoulder. "Lean on me, okay?" I nodded, the venom was kicking in harder than I expected.

"BeeBee, contact Tybalt and tell him I need my hyperdrive, engines, and power convert fixed."

"Whatever." The droid replied.

"Who's Tybalt?" I asked.

"A friend. He's good with repairing and stuff." It was blazing hot on Jakku. Jado basically carried me through the Sandy streets of Niima outpost. The atmosphere here was weirder than last time, sure crime was still going on, but it was oddly quiet.

"Hey, Eiba." Jado walked us over to a female Twi'lek.

"What now Jado." She rolled her eyes. "And who is this, I thought outsiders weren't apart of this."

What was she talking about?

"Relax, she's not here for that, and besides she's Jakku born." She hummed distastefully. "Anywho, I need some Cuttle-Tick antidote." He placed some credits in her desk. "

"You'll need more than that." She grinned.

"Don't play me Eida, I handed you double the standard rate. "

"Yet your friend here is obviously in dire need. Pay double or go six feet under." She looked towards me.

"I can get it somewhere else for cheaper, figured I help a friend's business out." Jado scowled.

I waved my hand infront of her face. "You should give it to us standard rate."

"I should give this to you standard rate."

Jado looked at me and smiled. He placed his credits back on the table and took the antidote.

"Nice work." He said.

"I don't like messing with people's minds, but the situation is indeed dire." I said, as we walked away.

"Here, let me administer it." He got behind me and move my hair and Padawan braid off my shoulder.

"I hope you know what you're doing.."

"Trust me, I've done this before." He laughed. "Three, two, one." He injected the antidote into the back of my neck. "All better."  He handed me the empty capsule.

"Sorry I couldn't get those back." He pointed to the clips on my belt, that held my lightsabers. I had just realized they were gone, probably in the clutches of that Blount Hunter.

"How long will ship repaired be?" I asked.

"I don't know, we could ask?" He walked me toward then ship, some child was running around messing with the engines.

"What did you do to bang this up this time?" The brown haired boy ran up to us.

"Tybalt, meet my friend Liyah."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Pad-"

"She's a Bounty Hunter." Jado interrupted me, as I glared at him.

"Isn't everyone?" The boy shrugged. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Tybalt." He shook my hand.

"So what's the damage? Lay it on me." Jado sighed.

"Well, this all is gonna take me at-least a week-"

"How much?"

"Free. Well for you of course, I think you deserve it."

"I'll reimburse you, trust me." Jado patted the boys shoulder.

"I think my freedom will be enough." He smiled. "Oh I gotta go, Cheers to the rebellion!" The boy waved us off and ran.

What Tybalt said lingered in the air "Rebellion?"

"Against Hutt control." Jado sighed. "I forgot to tell you about it.."

"Or you thought you could get me off Jakku before I could figure it out?"

"No- of course not. But we could use someone of your expertise." He grinned.

"Definitely not." I said.

"Come on, it's a good cause."

"I'm sure it is, but as a Jedi I can't get involved."

"I figured. That's the reason I've been hacking into the Chancellors transmissions." Jado said. "I've been learning battle strategy."

"How long as this been going on?"

"About a year. People of Jakku are tired, Liyah."

We walked into the ship, Jado was loading crates of something onto a speeder. "It's food and supplies, for when the fighting breaks out. Or were you staring at me?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you delivering it?" He nodded in response and told me to wait on the ship with BeeBee until he returned.

I pondered for a while on what to do. Part of me wanted to help Jado and his rebellion, but as a servant to the Republic intervening with the Hutts would place me in a lot of trouble, after our "partnership".

"BeeBee." I approached the droid. "May I see the computers? I need to contact someone." BeeBee got out of his seat and let me sit.

I contacted Master, for advice.

"Liyah? Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Move skyguy!" I could hear in the background.

"I'm fine Master. I'm on Jakku."

"What? I've rounded up all of Kabaans bounty hunters. Who are you with?"

I sighed. "You remember Jado?"

"Who? Oh! Why are you with him? I'm coming to get you, send me your coordinates!"

"Wait!" I stopped him.

"What do you mean wait?"

"There's a rebellion, against Niima the Hutt. I feel like I...and the Republic should help. She's in violation of the constitution-"

Master sighed. "Giggles I know, but there's nothing we can do about this, where we stand with the Hutts is complicated.."

"Can we at-least send them humanitarian assistance?"

"I'm afraid not, we can't find rebellions against a planets government that's in the Republic. We have to focus resources elsewhere, for now at-least. Now send me your coordinates."

"Master, please just give me a few days- and I'll be back."

"You don't have your lightsabers." Ahsoka came into view with my lightsabers in her hand.

"I don't need them right now." I said. "Master, I promise not to get involved."

"Okay, 4 days Liyah, and then I'm come to Jakku. I have a feeling on where you are." He said sternly.

"Master I'm going too." I heard Ahsoka say in the background before they hung up.

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