Chapter Twenty-Five

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Also sorry if this chapter is short, but I want the next chapter to have its own sequence to if. I won't say too much since some people may have not watch Clone Wars but there's gonna be a big fight next chapter. And thank you guys for bearing with me with upload, I know I posted every day or every two days at the beginning but it kinda slowed down due to school.❤️

I heard beeping from behind me, me and Rex turned around to look at the board.

"That's Masters tracking beacon..." Ahsoka pointed to the bright yellow arrow flashing with blue waves pulsing around it. "What's he doing?"

"Rex get ahold of as many men as you can." I ordered.

"Yes sir." Rex obeyed.

"What are you doing?" Ahsoka asked.

"Ahsoka, we're in command here." I stated. "If we got that beacon, Grievous did too. We have to step up, this could be our chance to end this war."

"We don't know how many ships are there!" Ahsoka said. "It'll be best if we take a cargo, pick up Master and hyperspace our way out of there."

I nodded. She was right.

"Rex hold that." I said. "Let's just take enough to man the guns. Meet us at the hangar."

We hastily boarded the gunned cargo ship. "You fly!" I told Ahsoka. She nodded and got into the pilot seat, Rex accompanying her in copilot.

I was checking the scans, trying to make sure Master was still alive, or that his ship was intact.

We quickly entered hyperspace, on the navicomputer, the location would only be a few minutes away in hyperspace.

"Woah!" Ahsoka jumped up.

"Looks like we're interrupting!" Rex said as he powered up the guns.

I could spot Masters fighter motionless as a bunch of droid fighters swarmed him. Up ahead, there were two separatist war ships closing in.

"Master, the cargo bay doors open." I clicked the communicator on my sleeve.

"Tell him he better get inside!" Ahsoka yelled.

"I'd love to," he said "but R3's having a problem with the engines."

"You've gotta be kidding me..." I rolled my eyes.

"Never mind he's got it working...barely." I could see Master flying as if the ship had a mind of its own.

"Let's give him some cover boys." Ahsoka told the clones.

The three clones inside with us took to the 3 separate guns and fired against the battle droids. Ahsoka positioned the ship to be ahead of Anakin so he could hopefully fly in.

I felt a bump, since I was just standing. "I'm on, now let's get out of here!"

"Power it up Rex." Ahsoka signaled for him to power the hyperdrive.

"We're going right between those tin cans."

"I'm gonna take my seat then..." I took one of the clones, who was manning the guns seat.

I trusted Ahsoka, but she flew like Master. Wild and crazy. If I could choose someone to pilot, it would definitely be Padmè, she flew the ship elegantly.

We entered hyperspace as we barely managed to pass through the colliding ship.

"Please don't do that again." I told Ahsoka.

"You know I will." She giggled.

"Good job you two." Master patted my shoulder. I didn't even notice he was there.

"You know me Master, always saving your life." Ahsoka said.

"What about me?" I crossed my arms.

"You''re the Obi-Wan of the group." She said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She stroked her non-existent mustache. "I don't know you tell me."

Master chuckled a little bit. His face went sour as soon as Goldie rolled in.

"Hey Goldie," Ahsoka smiled at the droid. "What did you think of your first adventure."

I took my seat to prepare to watch Master argue with a droid.

"I'll tell you what I think!" Master interrupted, "I think I'm lucky to be alive."

The droid beeped and rolled back out of the cockpit.

"What did he just say?" He looked at me.

I shrugged. "Master, I don't speak droid." I said.

"Great, you hurt his feelings." Ashoka said.

"HIS feelings? What about R2?"

Ahsoka didn't dare say anything back. My heart sank as I saw the broken look on Masters face. R2 meant a lot to him, it wasn't just because of the memory he had either, or the battles he won.

"I know he's still out there...he has to be."

We all came to the conclusion it was time to get back to the mission at hand. Find the listening post, and destroy it.

Anakin was standing over Rex as he looked at scans. "We've searched the supply grids sir, there's nothing that indicates there could be the presence of an enemy outpost." He said.

"What's that?" I turned around to see the computer beeping. "R3, boost the signal." I said.

The droid entered his scomp link into the computer, as Ahsoka listened in. "I'm getting a getting a strange transmission, I can't seem to make it out though." She said.

"Boost the volume." I told the droid.

The audios volume went up and became more and more distorted. "No you're losing it!" Master pushed pass me. "Here." He pushed a series of buttons and we could hear the transmission from the entire ship.

I heard a droid like squeaking. "That's R2!" Master shouted.

"Uhh...that doesn't sound like R2." Ahsoka said.

"It's him," Master said looking up at the transmission stabilizer, "I could never forget that voice."

"Okay...master..." Ahsoka gave him a side eye and looked at me, I looked back at her, and then Master.

"Trace it Rex." Master ordered. Rex nodded.

"Master, our orders were to find the Separtisy listening post." Ahsoka protested.

"Perhaps R2 is at the listening post." He replied smugly. "Did you consider that?" Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"We have a lock on the droids location sir." Rex interrupted their staring match."

Master ordered another clone to prepare to make the jump into hyperspace. Ahsoka and I shook our heads at each other and shrugged.

"He sure knows how to stay off task." Ahsoka said.

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