Chapter Forty-Eight

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"It's you!" I held my lightsabers at his throat. "What have you done to them?"

He chuckled and disabled my lightsabers. "We both know that won't work. Your friends, truly did leave you." He pointed to the cave.

I ran back in the cave, the fire was extinguished and Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were gone. "See, no tricks." The Son said. "You truly are alone."

"No...this is impossible....Master would never leave me."

"You have to face it, you're destined to be alone. Come with me." He began walking.

I stood in my tracks for a moment. The ship was gone, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Anakin were gone. Without me.

"My father chooses my sister over me." He sighed. "Just like your Master chose HER over you." He was referring to Ahsoka.

"You're wrong. They'll be back for me."

The Son chuckled once more. "No one comes back to Mortis."

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"For you to join me."

"You're short of luck, I'd never turn to the dark side."

"You underestimate its allure. You also underestimate its power." He crackled red lighting within his fingertips.

The zone we began to enter was clouded with the dark side, the air felt thick and heavy.

"Where are we going?"

He pointed a large fortress in the distance. He turned into a gargoyle and flew to the top. "Wait!" I ran after him.

Half an hour later, I reached the top of the fortress.

I was greeted by no one. I walked around searching for the son. "Hello? I know you're here."

"He's gone." A creature snuck out from behind me.

"Who are you?"

"I have no name."

"And why's that."

"I'm alone. When no one's here names are pointless."

"Then what about the Son?" I asked widely suspicious.

"He doesn't pay me any mind except when he needs me." The creature frowned. "Come." He ushered me deeper in the fortress.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To where you will stay." He opened a door. It had a barred window where little light peered in. There was a pillow on the floor and a blanket, which I guess represented my bed.

"I'm not staying here."

"Where will you go?"

"To the father, the daughter said he can help me. You must take him to me." The creature nodded.

"Rest. I will take you when the planet is young." Which I assumed meant daylight, since the planet seemed to die by nightfall.

I awoke to someone tapping on my shoulder.

"Wake up Lee, it's me." I shot up at the name I was called.

"Master Heran?" My eyes widened as I seen the figure I hadn't seen clearly in three years.

"Now, do you think you should really call me that?" He smiled.

"...Father..." I didn't know how to react. Part of me wanted to embrace him, the other part wanted to attack him for betraying the Jedi, and leaving me.

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