Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Anakin was literally standing idly by outside my cell. He managed to have me taken into Jedi custody instead of the military. The council, as we sat there was most likely deciding which punishment would be given to me.

"I tried to reason with them. I told them the best punishment would be having you stripped of your military powers. What you did was reckless. It makes Ahsoka look even more guilty."

"I would much prefer her to look guilty, and free to clear her name, rather than rot in a yours truly."

He turned around and faced me. "This isn't funny, Liyah. Nothing to joke about. I'm going to try to get you out of here. We have to build your case."

"I've seen the outcome of this Master. And I wasn't in the Jedi temples holding cells."

"What are you talking about?"

"My destiny Master, you have to promise me something."

"I...what is it?"

"You must clear Ashoka's name. Promise me it."

"I..I promise. But I need to clear yours first. I'm going to see why the council hasn't called for me yet." He walked away.

I could see someone approaching. It was Barriss. "Liyah.." She whispered. "What happened?"

"I helped Ahsoka escape prison." I sighed.

She nodded, more understanding than I believed. "I'm going to try my hardest to prove her innocence. I've been doing my own investigating."

"Good." I smiled, that alone eased my mind. I feel like I was really accomplishing what I needed to do.

Barriss left quickly before the guards took notice to her speaking with me. Master came back shortly, with two guards behind him. "This really isn't necessary." He spat at the guards.

"It's standard procedure."

They opened my cell and ushered us to The Chamber of Judgment. I took a seat in the waiting area, trying to meditate. Master kept tapping his foot up and down.


"I'm sorry Gigs, I can't help it. I pleaded my case..."

"My case." I corrected him. "Nothing I did was your fault, Master. Don't feel responsible."

"Easier said than done."

"Can I tell you something?"

"What? Do you know something?"

"Yes." I opened my eyes and smiled softly. "You're the best Jedi I've ever known. You're strong, wise, compassionate, and a little annoying, but your other qualities make up for it."

"Thanks.." he chuckled. "You make it seem like-" The bell rung, we both stood and got on the platform. I knew what was to come.

I stood in the middle while Master and two guards stood on the outside. The platform rose and stopped once we entered the chambers. The Masters stood high above in their seats, the middle of the platform carried me upwards.

"Padawan Aviss, serious charges have been levied against you. How plead you?" Master Yoda spoke.

I looked down at Master. "Guilty, Master. Guilty on all counts. I helped Ahsoka Tano escape prison for her to clear her name. I saw visions of what was to come, her execution for something she didn't do. I take full responsibility."

"What are you doing!" Master hollered from below.

"So you plead guilty to aiding a terrorist attack on the Jedi Temple?" Mace Windu asked.

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