Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: Hi y'all I just wanna say sorry for always having an authors note 💀 but I really wanted to say Tysm for 2k reads!💕💕💕

P.S sorry this chapter took almost a week😭


"That was bold." Jado said.

"Shut up."

"Where's this Hutt anyway." Said Master.

"Probably the biggest place around here." I said.

"Well you're right about that. Niima has a "palace", well that's what she calls it. I call it a glorified slum." Jado remarked.

"Are there no clean and well established members of the Hutt species?" I asked.

Master and Jado shook their head.

Jado took us to the central structure in the outpost. It was surprisingly unguarded, the man power was obviously in the inside.

"What if we just say we're Jedi." I suggested. "I mean, the republic and Hutts are allied."

"Uh uh." Jado said. "That'll never work here."

"Why's that?"

"Because, some parts of the republic, rules don't apply." Master chimed in.

"I thought that was for outer-rim planets?"

He shook his head. "The republic doesn't has as much reach as you think."

"Yeah, this is a backwater planet." Jado said, knocking on the door.

"It's me, Jado. I brought some friends." He smiled at the eyehole.

I looked at Master who had his arms crossed. The door opened and the overwhelming smell of rankweed attacked my face.

There was loud music playing near a bar. Everyone at the bar had eyes on us. Jado grabbed my hand gently and lead me through a now dispersing crowd.

A large purple Hutt sat upon a throne next to a protocol droid, similar to Jabba. The Hutt had purple coloration and batting eyelashes.

"Good morning Niima." Jado fake smiled.

The Hutt spoke the same lanaguge Jabba spoke on Tatooine, I assumed it was their native.

"Almighty Niima is confused on why you're here before your scheduled time." The droid said.

"Well, I brought some generous friends who are worshipers of the Hutts!" Jado pointed at me and Master.

Master rolled his eyes and looked away. I forced a fake smile.

"We came here to deliver some credits, all mighty Niima." I nudged master to get the credits out.

The Hutt spoke once more, she pointed at Jado accusingly.

"Okay, you're right. I did want something in return." He sighed.

The Hutt looked pleased with her accusation.

"I was hoping you could give me some information on one of your slaves." He said.

The Hutt turned her attention towards us. I nudged Master once more, signifying he needed to give her the credits. Master sighed and took a pouch out of his pocket.

"Here almighty Niima, we've brought this for you." He bowed and held the credits in his hand.

The Hutt took the credits joyfully.

"Her Highness has said, "this will do splendid"."  The droid translated.

She spoke directly to Jado now.

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