Chapter Three

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"Do everything you can to protect them!" Obi-Wan shouted. "You go too, I'll delay the droids." Obi-Wan ordered me.

"But master..." he cut me off, "That's an order, to the both of you!"

A B2 unit attempted to jump over our cover, but Obi-Wan cut it down.

"Go with him." He told me.

I nodded and ignited my lightsaber to cover myself. I followed Rex and his men as they tried to return fire for as long as possible.

"Come on sir!" Rex and I ducked down behind some more crystal-like debris. One of our cannons exploded a few feet away.

There were a little less than three dozen clones firing back at the ever so many droids advancing.

"Sir! General Kenobi has been captured, there's not one else left." A clone informed us.

"Captured?" I interrupted, receiving a nod from the clone.

I was slightly relieved that he was alive and may have a chance of survival.

"We've got to hold out! We can't let that shield reach the cannons. Keep firing!" Rex peaked over cover and let out a few rounds at some droids.

"I can go up there, Captain!" I pointed to the clones holding a tight line of defense. "If I can get in the middle of the sieging droids, I can maybe get them off your backs."

Rex looked at me and back at the battle field. "When I say fall back, you fall back!" He ordered.

I nodded and ignited my lightsaber.

With the force, I positioned myself behind a row of droids attacking the clones. With ease I mowed through the first few ten, making some breathing room for the clones.

I steadied my mind and deflected blaster fire from the rather predictable droid firing patterns. I still had much practicing to do when it came to deflecting, but as long as I could protect myself and the soldiers behind me, I felt confident in my skills.

I was running out of stamina, as the tanks grew closer I had to back up. I was just barely able to avoid getting hit. All of a sudden the sky seemed to light up, the shield was falling.

"Uh oh." A droid stopped its firing to look up.

It was as if the battle had paused, both sides observing the tide about to turn.

"Come on kid, you did good." Rex called out to me, it was my time to step back and let the clones handle what was left.

"All cannons, fire on those tanks!" Rex ordered.

I turned off my lightsaber and ran back to cover with Rex.

"Looks like our reinforcements are here." He pointed about above.

Looking up, I could see the shuttles with troops landing in. While the cannons roared and exploded the droid tanks, we hopped aboard a shuttle.

"Let's go grab General Skywalker and Ahsoka." Rex pointed to a clearing.

I could make out two figures. As we flew in closer, I could tell it was Master Skywalker and Ahsoka, thank god they were safe.

We hovered down just close enough for them to get on. I smiled at Ahsoka and our shared master, he surprisingly smiled back.

"Great job general Skywalker, and you too kid." Rex nodded to Anakin and Ahsoka.

"And sir, you should be proud of this one. She helped lead our defense." He talked me up, causing me to slightly blush.

"I tried my best." I said awkwardly.

"Great job, my Padawans." Anakin smiled.

We arrived at a docked Republic battle ship. Obi-Wan was standing, talking to Grand Master Yoda. His petite old figure always brought ease to me.

"Thanks for the ride Rex." Anakin expressed.

Rex nodded and pulled off as we exited the ship.

"Informed me of your two Padawans, Obi-Wan has. Trouble you have with them, I hear." Master Yoda got straight to business. I could sense a presence of urgency through him. "Against the Jedi Code, having two Padawans is." Yoda began "Desperate times we are in, call for change of rules, we must." He added.

"If not ready for one, or both, you are, then perhaps master Obi-Wan and another Je-" Anakin cut him off.

"No, wait a minute. I admit that Ahsoka and Liyah are a little...rough around the edges but with a great deal of training" he looked at me "and a lot of patience" he looked at Ahsoka "They might amount to something." He finished.

I and Obi-Wan were shocked, while Ashoka grinned in delight.

"Good" Yoda smiled. "Foretold by the force, two apprentices were."

What has Yoda seen or heard from the force? Even I, a Padawan, know that a Jedi is only allowed one apprentice at a time. Then again, my master was the chosen one. Perhaps me and Ahsoka were a must needed part in him fulfilling the prophecy.

"Go with you, they will, to the Teth System." Yoda spoke.

"Teth?" Anakin said unsure, "That's Wild Space. The droid army isn't even in that sector." Anakin said.

"Kidnapped, Jabba the Huts son has been." Yoda clutched his cane, turning his head from us.

"You want me to rescue Jabba's son?" He backtracked.

Obi-Wan barged in. "Anakin, we'll need the Hutts allegiance to give us an advantage over Dooku."

Yoda hummed in agreement. "Negotiate the treaty with Jabba, Obi-Wan will."

Yoda turned around, his attention back on us. "Find the renegades that hold Jabbas son, your mission will be, Skywalker."

Anakin sighed in disapproval.

"Come on master, it can't be that hard!" Ahsoka cheered.

"Yeah we can find Rex, and get the troopers organized." I added, trying to make the mission every so slightly more appealing. Ahsoka then grabbed my hand and pulled me with her on to a landing shuttle.

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