Chapter Forty-Five

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A/N: OMG GUYS!!! WE REACHED 10K READS!!! I can't thank everyone enough for all the support❤️ I love reading all your comments, ya'll be making me laugh, and sometimes wanna cry 😭❤️.

My Mortis Chapter should be out before this week is over! I had to rewrite it a few times, I felt like Liyah wasn't as involved as she should have been so I altered a lot of stuff. But ANYWAY let's focus on one thing at a time 🤭❤️.

We were moving into the final stage of the attack on Geonosis. We needed to destroy the droid foundry that Poggle was trying to reinstate.

Master Luminara Unduli, and her Padawan, who I hadn't even known she had was coming to assist us.

Me and Ahsoka were briefing our Clones.

"This Bridge is our first waypoint." Ahsoka pointed on our scans of the area.

"We're going to need you to focus your gun emplacements here..." I pointed to the marked locations on our side of the bridge "And here."

"Because it's only—" Ahsoka got interrupted by Master who earned a scowl from both of us.

"Because it's only after we neutralize the guns, that we can push for the factory!"

"Master—" I shot back.

"Yes," Ahsoka sighed. "now, expect stiff resistance from—"

"And don't forgot to top off your energy cells and ration packs." Master interrupted us again. "Once we leave, there will be no re-supply."

"Anything else you two?" He turned towards us.

"No, I think you pretty much covered everything..." she answered.

"In OUR briefing." I muttered.

He nodded. "Very well." I couldn't believe my Master could be this dense. "Squad dismissed."

The Clones got up and went to prepare for the next mission.

"Okay," Master sighed. "What next?"

"You know Master, our briefing might go better if you stopped interrupting us every-time we say so-"

"I wasn't interrupting-"

I crossed my arms. "You sure are now."

"I was trying to help you." He turned around and faced us.

"We'd appreciate it if you didn't have to interrupt us to do it." Ahsoka looked at me, and I nodded. "I think maybe you don't trust us to give the briefing."

"It's not about trust." He said. "It's about getting the job done right."

"So you're saying we do an insufficient job?" I asked him rhetorically.

"I knew it!" Ahsoka said.

"I never said that—"

"No, no, it's okay. We understand. We're just the Padawans, you're the Master." She crossed her arms and started waking ahead.

Master looked at me, I shrugged and followed after her.

Master caught up with us. "See, you never listen." He said.

We both turned around. "I don't listen?" Me and Ahsoka said in unison.

"The both of you!"

"Maybe if you trusted us we'd listen." Ahsoka said.

"Wait I listen!" I told Ahsoka.

"He's the one who doesn't listen!" She pointed at Master.

"Like I said, if you listened to me I'd trust you with responsibility!"

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