Chapter Sixty-Three

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A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you all had good holidays❤️ I hope the end of the year is wrapping up nice for you <33 (If not, that's okay, there's many more years for that to change 💖)

Next chapter is gonna slay guys 🤭

Y'all gonna be like "I know author did not-" 🤭

"I hope you swimming skills are up to par Lee." Ahsoka jabbed my arm. We were going to assist Prince Lee-Char with diplomatic relations with the Quarren on Mon Cala.

"If we're lucky, you two won't be needed." Master said, "I'm hoping things can be resolved."

"I'm almost sure of it Master, with Senator Amidala's diplomacy skills...and your 'you skills' it shouldn't be an issue."

"Very f-" he was interrupted by his blinking commlink.

"Master Skywalker, I need your Padawan, Liyah Aviss for an alternative assignment immediately. Forward her to the council chambers." Mace Windu said, as quick to the point as always.

I groaned silently as Ahsoka pointed and laughed. "She heard you Master," Anakin tried to hide his amusement at my suffering. "She'll be there momentarily." He hung up and turned around. "Looks like you're up Giggles."

"He's probably putting me on guard duty." I rolled my eyes and turned back around, waking towards the council chambers.

I started to wonder what Master Windu could possibly need me for. From what I knew he wasn't attending the mission to Mon Cala, nor was he back up if things went south.

I entered the council chambers and surprisingly saw it empty, except for Mace Windu and his Padawan, Hallo Cohl.

I stood in the middle bowing, "You called for me, Master Windu?"

"Yes." he leaned back into his chair. "I have a confidential assignment. "I have a lead on the Dark Lord of the Sith." He said flatly.

Hallo stood with his hands in his pockets, like he was already briefed on the matter at hand.

"A lead? Are you positive?" I asked.

He nodded. "I need you to investigate, the Sith keep a rule, a rule of two. One Master, and one Apprentice. But during the war, we're seeing Jedi try to "convert" themselves into Sith. ." He looked at me, trying to read if I understood what he was talking about. "The Sith have taken on 'acolytes' like Asajj Ventress. The average civilian doesn't know the difference between Jedi and followers of the Sith."

" this another mission where I am to hunt down someone?" I asked, trying to get to the point.

"That, and prevent the general public from turning against the Jedi."

Turning against the Jedi? Why would the general public do that? I get and have seen outer rim planets not hold Jedi in high regard but for the inner republic to turn against the Jedi? It didn't make any sense.

"With that, I want you to find a locate a base of operations, or a general location. The mission is to not engage, but scout and report back. The formal investigation will be handled by me. There are two individuals suspected to be acolytes." He pulled up a hologram of two boys, they looked to be around me and Hallo's age. "They're suspected to be Runo Har-re, and Gil Murstin. Two Padawans who went missing a year ago."

I had recognized the two boys, sure they looked a bit older, but I remember seeing them. Back when me and Ahsoka first became Master's apprentices, we met Hallo and had a "dispute" these were the two boys next to him. From the look on Hallo's face, my memory was correct.

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