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"why do they need charms to o block Legilimens?" Tracey asked "Never mind that, how in the hell are you a master Oculems, Potter" Morag demanded "so they don't see what really goes on" Terry said, seeing the irritated look on his friends face, " and what is actually going on? Got some secret fanboy club? " Morag asked, forgetting about her question for the time being "on the train home, I gave harry my brother's new address, a couple of weeks later, the cops informed us that he died from blood loss, he had multiple injuries and a badly performed castration" Terry finally said after observing the group of slytherins for a moment. "It wasn't badly done, it's a castration spell that just happens to require a healing charm afterwards" Harry complained "You castarted him?" "Why do you even know that spell?" "Can you teach me the spell? " "He deserved it" came from there of his friends and Morag. "Yes I did, I didn't want their to be any chance of him spreading his seed. It's a useful spell , and I found it in a book, And yes morag, I'll teach you the spell, when your older as it's a level 4 spell" Harry said, answering each of their questions.

"Level four?" Li asked confused, harry sighed, having forgotten that none of them had as much knowledge of the ministry as he did, "There are 5 levels, they determine the restriction and regulation of certain spells. Level one is the highest it's strictly for the unforgivables, unless you have special authorization from the minister, getting caught using one of the three is a one way ticket to a lifetime in Azkaban, Level 2 is for the darker and more lethal curses, like torture curses, compolstions, spells like that, they are also only legal if the minister gives his permission, if not and your caught, thats 50 to 60 years in azkaban depending on the lethality of the spell. Level 3 is for the spells dark wizard catcher, hit wizards, and Aurors are aloud to use when hunting down dark wizards, if used currently they'll incapacitate them, if used incorrectly they're deadly, if caught using one you'll spend 25 years in azkaban, Level 4 is mainly for the spells mediwitches use during their practice, if you're caught casting one without a license that's also 25 years in azkaban. Level 5 is for the more questionable that we'll learn about in 7th year, they can be used with probable cause but if you're casting it just for fun especially on a mundane then you spend a night in their cells and forced to pay a heavy fine" Harry explained.

" You didn't know that? " Harry asked a moment later, looking towards the purebloods " It's Ministry terms, most people just know what's legal and what isn't " Anthony helpfully pointed out to his dad, " How many illegal spells do you know Potter ?" Millicent asked" Know of or know how to cast? " Harry asked to clarify, he knew thousands of spells but he's only casted 2 thirds of the spells he knows, weather because they were a more obsolete spell that didn't really have a use or their was a more powerful version of the spell that did almost the same thing. " how to cast " Neville said, His brother had been in Auror, he didn't doubt that he knew how to cast alot if not all of the illegal spells, " Successfully " Lillian added intrigued, " Successfully.. " harry started before trailing off, thinking of all the spells he could do " Around 70, the castration spell and a couple of other spells are the only level 4 spells I know how to cast" Harry said eventually.
"How many Level 1 spells can you cast? " Hermione asked quietly, she was curious but a part of her wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer "are you sure you want to know?" He asked, "yes" Hermione said determimedly, she had promised to never turn away her friend and she didn't plan to break that promise anytime soon.

"I can cast all of them" harry stated, taking in the various reactions from the group aside from his son and daughter, "you can cast the killing curse?" Millicent asked in disbelief, harry nodded, "how many can you actually cast, Successfully, not just in practice" Morag demanded, "I have successfully casted all of them" Harry said, he had first used the killing curse and the imperio in his first life, after the mundane war truly started, after Albus and Scorpius had died, imperio came in real handy when the base was too hidden for harry to find, he only needed to get a mundane, and have said mundane bomb their own base, he started using the Cruicatus curse this life time, however he had no plan of telling the group that.

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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