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Asmodeus and Anthony smirked as they shadowed into the death eaters lounge area, after all they hadn't picked on their favorite death eater in a while, Anthony sat under the closest unoccupied table while Asmodeus leaned against the wall, both staring at the death eater's back. Barty glanced behind as his hairs stood on end and goosebumps erupted over his body, he had the feeling he was being watched, trying to shake the feeling, he returned to the chess match he was playing with Rabastin. Rabastin sighed as Barty glanced around him for the tenth time "Barty is there a reason you keep looking over your shoulder?" Rabastin wondered "I can't help it, I swear someone's watching me" barty whispered with a faint twitch "All that time under the imperious must have made you a bit insane, there's no one there" Rabastin said. Anthony giggled, Asmodeus smiled, his son had been becoming more withdrawn as it got closer to his mother's death, not that he blamed him, Flora and Anubis hated seeing him so sad however, and so they both all but demanded for them to do something fun together, and he knew his son well enough to know that his favorite thing was a good prank, and who better then the wizard they could so easily rile up.

Barty twitched again as he heard a faint giggle, looking over he saw a shadowed corner, big enough to hold their lord and a small shadow underneath the table, just right for his Lord's son, "you're only saying that because you can't see him but I swear to merlin he's there" Barty instited. Rabastin sighed again as he stood up "and where is this mystery person?" He asked, barty pointed at a the table only to feel the eyes disappear "he moved" Barty offered as rabastin lifted the cloth. Rabastin turning, shooting barty a dirty look "no one was ever there barty!" Rabastin exclaimed, Anthony appeared next to his father, they looked at each other with matching chesire grins before looking back at there target. Barty whimpered as he felt both sets of eyes, turning in his seat he saw glowing Emerald and Amber eyes before they vanished, barty shuddered and turned back around hunching in on himself "whatever I did, I'm sorry!" Barty said aloud, as rabastin retook his seat, "Oi Crouch! Stop acting like a loon!" A death eater further down complained from behind the daily prophet.

Asmodeus and Anthony turned themselves invisible before going to either side of barty,  barty whimpered as he felt a breath on his check and a faint kiss on his head "Poor Barty...." His Lord's son whispered in his left ear ".... Scared of a shadow" his lord whispered in to his other ear, "Please my lord" Barty tried, "barty it's your turn, stop talking to your imaginary friends" Rabastin said "Their not imaginary!" Barty insisted. Voldemort cleared his throat as he stood by the doorway causing all of the death eaters to jump up and bow, "Asmodeus, Mayhem Stop antagonizing Barty" the dark lord said, Asmodeus canceled the invisibility charms causing rabastin to jump back in shock "but he's so fun to mess with" Mayhem said with a pout. "You're both late" Voldemort said before turning around and leaving "oh, it's that time already, oops" Mayhem said, " we'll see you later barty" Asmodeus said " My Lord, My prince please " Barty begged , the two cackled as they left the room, leaving stunted death eaters and barty to groan and bury his head into his hands.

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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