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Harry observed tom for a moment, he didn't want nor wish to lie to his mate regardless if they never become mates, he still would treat him nice. "What do you think is the truth?" Harry asked, Tom was considered a magical prodigy and a genius, he knew the dark lord had to have some theories about him, "Reincarnation, studies have been done on witchs and wizards who remember their past lives, knowing spells lost to time, knowing things they shouldn't, however they couldn't cast the spells they knew, so what is it?" Tom asked. "Reincarnation isn't far off, what do you know of the deathly hallows and the three brothers that tricked death?" Harry asked,  he knew this explanation would be different then the one he gave Sirius as Sirius had his memories and knew those close to harry personally. "Fairytales, stories to tell children " Tom said with a huff "they're real, they were the Peverel brothers, My Ancestor Ignotus had the Cloak, Cadmus, your Ancestor had the resurrection stone that's connected to a ring and Dumbledore currently owns the Elder wand after winning it against Grindelwald" Harry explained.

Tom said nothing, his curiosity keeping him quiet for the moment "the story goes if you master the three hallows, you become the master of death, many attempted but there's rules to be considered, so no one managed to do it, no one till me" Harry said, "when?" Tom demanded suspiciously. "In about 4 years from now, in a different universe, I fought you and you didn't regain a body until next year using a ritual that used an enemy, servant and a bone from your father. You had been surviving on nagini's milk before then" Harry said, thinking back to when times had been simpler, less chaotic "I must have been desperate to use Nagini's milk, that would have removed this form" Tom said before making a motion for harry to continue. "In what was supposed to be my 7th year if I hadn't been horcrux hunting, there was a big battle at Hogwarts, you took the elder wand from Dumbledore's grave but I had won it before hand, you cast the killing curse, I cast the disarming charm and because the wand will never go against it's master, the spell rebounded killing you" Harry said.

"That was a stupid way to die" Tom said with a scoff, "it was but I beat you for stupidest death" Harry commented watching as tom got more comfortable before looking harry expectantly. "After the battle, I became an Auror, I got married had three kids aside from my godson, you would have hated it" harry said getting a chuckle from tom, Harry's smile faded as he remembered what happened "Years later, Mundanes discovered our existence and started a long destructive war, I died as the last magical alive, my foot got caught on a tree and pulled my leg from it's socket, the mundanes got me and shot me, the fuckers didn't even have the decency to aim for my heart to make it quick" harry said "fucking Mundanes" he spat. "Why do you call them that?" Tom asked quietly "during the beginning of the war, when we still belived in our superiority, before they obliterated diagon alley and Hogwarts " harry stopped as tom released a pained sound.

"We had a few peace talks and they demanded to be called mundanes, we started calling them that after they killed the current minister, in the beginning they left you alive sometimes if you called them mundanes. I came back, I died as the master of death and was given a couple of choices, I could go back and get shot again, I could live in the underworld with death or I could do it all over again " harry explained "you started over, reincarnation but at the same time different " tom commented having new found respect for man infront of him, he'd been through literal hell. "Death gave me a boon before he sent me back, abilities similar to a dementor, I could cause fear in people, make it very cold, and suck their souls, I get all of they knowledge they had " harry explained "that's um... A useful gift" tom said with a grimace.

"Especially when you are left with mundanes that wish you dead, my aunt only needed to be told once while my uncle and cousin needed to be reminded. Now I live with Sirius, he has his memories of his previous life and is supportive of my decisions. Oh, that reminds me, sirius wants to join for the attack, he'll be my follower" harry explained, "I don't have a certain date for the attack, it may be on Halloween or it might not. I assume you have parseltounge since you spoke to Alissa " Tom explained.

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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